New Corona Ordinance for Vienna – What applies from 1.10.

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The new Vienna ordinance on future Covid measures from October 1 is limited until the beginning of November and once again differs from the federal regulations. For example, tests are no longer valid as proof in some places, and only vaccinated or recovered persons will have access (“2G rule”). The 2.5G rule also comes into play with the new regulation.

The 2G rule applies to after-hours catering and events with more than 500 people, although it does not matter here whether the event takes place indoors or outdoors. Children under the age of twelve are exempted. For them, entry is still possible with a rapid antigen test, which is otherwise no longer accepted as proof in Vienna, or a PCR test. No proof is required for children under the age of six.

Employees at large events and in night catering either need a PCR test or must be vaccinated or recovered. This is the 2.5G rule announced by Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) – i.e. the restriction to vaccinated and recovered persons and to PCR test proof. Antigen tests no longer apply. If employees do not have proof, an FFP2 mask must be worn.

Where 2.5G rule applies
For gatherings with more than 25 people and less than 500 people, 2.5G also applies to visitors.

In cinemas, theaters and cabarets with no more than 500 seats, the already familiar mask requirement remains in effect, with mouth-nose protection being sufficient. For events with more than 500 people, the obligation to wear a mask is completely waived due to the 2G rule.

The 2.5G rule also applies to persons aged twelve and over in the catering and hotel industry, for services close to the body, and for visits to hospitals and care facilities. In exceptional cases, an antigen test may be used by hotel guests if timely submission of a PCR result is not possible – and the persons concerned would be out on the street as a result.

FFP2 mandatory in retail
Vienna is now fully committed to FFP2 masks in the retail sector. This regulation, according to a statement, frees retail personnel from control measures and enables efficient checks by official bodies.

Uniform regulations will also be issued for employees in hospitals and care facilities. They must also present a valid PCR test result if they are not vaccinated or have not recovered – so 2.5G also applies here. However, there is a special feature: regardless of their vaccination status, all employees must present a valid PCR test once a week and wear an FFP2 mask.

3G detection for employees in adult education, body-worn service providers
Already now, in Vienna, body-related service providers, employees in adult education or even staff in the catering industry are only allowed to enter their place of work if they have 3G detection. Here, too, the antigen test will now be omitted as proof. If no proof is available, they must wear an FFP2 mask.

Uniform and clear rules are being created so that certain areas can remain open even if the number of infections, which mainly affect the unvaccinated, increases, a spokesman for City Health Councillor Peter Hacker (SPÖ) stressed to the APA. In the city hall one is convinced that the rules are “more readable” than those of the federation. As problematic it is considered for instance that with the step plan of the federation 2G is prescribed only for meetings without assigned seats. There are, however, mixed forms with standing areas and seats, it is pointed out. Control, for example in stadiums or at concerts, could be difficult, it is assumed.

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