When we celebrate All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day, we are reminded that we stand in a great community that includes not only the living, but also those who have died, even if they live in a “different” world.
On All Saints’ Day, we celebrate all those who have already been taken into eternal communion with God. Some we know by name, some the Church celebrates, but of most we know nothing.
On All Souls’ Day, the Church remembers all those who have died and asks God to bring them close to Him, granting them the fulfillment of their lives. We visit and decorate their graves, remember what they were and what they meant to us, and pray that God grant them life in fullness.
The awareness of being in such a large community that has gone ahead on the path of faith can give us a sense of security and safety. After all, we are not on a path that no one has walked before. Rather, many have reached their destination before us on this path of faith, people like us, weak and challenged by some. What God’s grace has done for him, it can also do for me, if only I am willing to cooperate with God and trust him.
- Mag. Hector Pascua/picture: pixabay.com
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