Vaccinated or convalescent – these are the 2-Gs that will apply to almost all areas of life in Austria starting Monday.
The government decided yesterday evening in view of the sharply rising infection figures with the provincial governors a significant tightening of the Corona measures. Thus already starting from coming Monday a 2G regulation will apply, where so far 3-G applied. But what does 2-G actually mean?
What counts as 2-G?
The two Gs stand for “geimpft und genesen” – vaccinated and/or recovered. This means that you can only enter a restaurant or theater if you have been vaccinated and/or have recovered.
People are considered vaccinated if their second immunization was not more than nine months ago. There is a transitional period for those who decide to get vaccinated at short notice. Those who get vaccinated now can also visit 2-G areas for four weeks with a PCR test. After that, however, the second prick must be done. Another special rule applies to those who were immunized with Johnson&Johnson’s vaccine, which was originally designed as a single-use vaccine. They must revaccinate by Jan. 2 or they will not meet 2-G from then on.
A person is considered recovered if he or she has had a Corona disease and can prove it via a certificate of recovery. The recovery certificate is valid for six months – at the earliest from the 11th day after the first confirmed infection (by means of PCR test) of a case of disease up to 180 days thereafter. In other words, recovery must not have occurred more than six months previously.
To whom does 2-G apply?
All persons for whom a regular vaccination option exists fall under the 2-G rules. This means everyone over the age of twelve for whom vaccination is possible for health reasons.
Where does 2-G apply?
2-G applies everywhere where 3-G previously applied. This means that you can only go to cinemas, theaters, concerts or sporting events if you have been vaccinated or have recovered. Basically, the 2-G limit is designed for events with 25 or more people. But 2-G will also become a must, for example, in the catering trade or when using the hotel industry. The winter tourism is to run so completely according to these rules.
Where does one still come with 3-G or without everything?
Tested one can still go to the work. The less effective antigen tests will also be recognized, mainly due to the lack of availability in some areas. With appropriate expansion, a PCR test could be the minimum requirement at a later date. Getting serious about 3-G in the workplace will be implemented on November 15.
What is 2-G-Plus?
Vienna has been following a stricter Corona course than the federal government for some time. At the presentation of new measures on Thursday, Mayor Michael Ludwig did not want to rule out the possibility of extending the so-called 2-G-Plus rule – it already applies in Viennese hospitals. 2-G-Plus means being vaccinated and/or recovered and additionally being able to present a valid PCR test.
Where and when to use FFP2 Mask?
The mask must be worn (apart from public transport and train stations) in shops, museums and libraries. An FFP2 mask is now a requirement throughout the country, as it has been for some time in Vienna.
What will happen to exit controls?
The exit controls from the districts will be cancelled. This is due to the strong spread of infections, which has made these measures more or less pointless in Upper Austria, for example. It was actually intended to prevent infections from a particular district from spreading to neighboring regions.
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