On Sunday, the transition period for the 3-G rule in the workplace ends – wearing an FPP2 mask instead of a 3-G certificate will then no longer be sufficient. Because of problems with test evaluations in parts of Austria, the Chamber of Commerce, retailers and restaurateurs have already called for an extension of the transition period.
When entering the place of work, either a current, negative CoV test or proof of vaccination or recovery must be presented. The 3-G proof must be carried and the employer must monitor compliance with the 3-G rule. Only persons who have contact with others for no more than two times 15 minutes per day are exempt, and even that only if it takes place outdoors.
Tightening already since November 8
In some areas, the 2.5-G rule (vaccinated, recovered or PCR-tested) has been in effect since November 8, for example in night catering, discotheques, apres-ski, old-age, nursing and inpatient residential facilities for the disabled, in hospitals, in mobile nursing and care and at events with more than 250 participants.
The Chamber of Commerce called for “a broad roll-out of the low-threshold test offer throughout Austria.” Unfortunately, it was not possible at present to rule out the possibility that individual employees would not receive their test results in time. Because of the lack of testing infrastructure in the provinces, WKO gastronomy chairman Mario Pulker sees a “huge problem” coming for the gastronomy industry.
— source: orf.at/picture:pixabay.com
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