Omicron variant has already been detected in three provinces in Austria

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On Monday, there were the first three confirmed cases of the Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant of coronavirus in Austria. No more were added on Tuesday. An overview to the provinces.

In Tyrol, three people have contracted the mutation. In Upper Austria there are two, in Salzburg and Vorarlberg one suspected case each. There, the authorities are waiting for the sequencing of the AGES. In all other federal states, Omicron has not yet been detected.

First Omicron case in the province of Tyrol
The first case in Tyrol concerns a person who tested positive for Corona after a trip to South Africa and currently has no symptoms. Two people from this person’s family environment in the Tyrolean district of Schwaz have also tested positive for the coronavirus. Innsbruck virologist Dorothee von Laer assumed in an interview with ORF Tyrol Monday evening that it was likely to be “over 95 percent” of the Omicron variant. However, the detailed sequencing was still in progress, the state of Tyrol informed.

Two suspected cases with new virus variant in Upper Austria
In Upper Austria, where there are currently two suspected Omicron cases, nine contacts are currently in quarantine, the crisis team announced. Whether there are stricter requirements for seclusion than normal – for example, regarding the classification of vaccinated persons as K2 – is currently still a case-by-case decision. There is no central requirement so far, which has already been pointed out to the federal government, it was said from Upper Austria.

The two suspected cases known so far in Upper Austria are one person who traveled home from South Africa and one who returned from Namibia. AGES must also first clarify here whether the new variant is really present, it said. This will take seven to ten days, it said.

Viennese Omicron case detected in Salzburg laboratory on Monday
In Salzburg, too, a laboratory reported a first suspected case of Omicron to the health authorities on Monday. As the province informed, the positive sample came from a Viennese man who returned home from South Africa by plane on Friday. The man had apparently undergone a PCR test at his secondary residence in a test street. The sample was therefore evaluated in Salzburg and showed abnormalities.

Vorarlberg: Uncertain whether a traveler has new variant
In Vorarlberg, it also remained uncertain on Tuesday whether a Corona-positive travel returnee from southern Africa was infected with the Omicron variant of coronavirus. The result of sequencing of the sample by AGES in Vienna was not yet available. For five other people who have stayed in southern Africa, the result of a PCR test is still pending, as Health Regional Councillor Martina Rüscher (ÖVP) informed on Tuesday.

In Vorarlberg, 15 travelers have reported until Tuesday, all were immediately tested and segregated. Of the 15 PCR tests, one has so far turned out positive – this is precisely the sample that is now being further analyzed in Vienna. Nine tests were negative, in five cases the result of the PCR test still has to be awaited.

No suspected Omicron cases reported in Vienna on Tuesday
No cases of the SARS-CoV-2 variant Omicron have been reported in any of the other provinces. However, Vienna City Health Councillor Peter Hacker (SPÖ) already suspected on Monday that the mutation would probably reach Vienna. However, no case was reported from the federal capital until Tuesday. The city councilor emphasized all the more the importance of vaccination.

No suspected case with new Corona variant in Lower Austria
In Lower Austria, too, there was still no substantiated case of suspicion with regard to the Omicron variant. In addition, according to Health Regional Councillor Ulrike Königsberger-Ludwig (SPÖ), the contract laboratory Novogenia has been instructed to adapt the analytical procedure accordingly in order to be able to detect this variant in the prescreening. “In the future, each confirmed PCR sample will undergo further testing with a special primer. This detects very specific genomic alterations that provide an indication that a mutant may be present. If the mutation screening is positive for a sample, this sample is taken to AGES in Vienna for whole-genome sequencing,” the provincial councilor explained.

Styria commissions nationwide mutation analysis
However, the province of Styria, which so far has also not shown any cases of the omicron variant, has therefore commissioned a whole-genome mutation analysis, which is being examined by the responsible laboratories. The goal, he said, is to check all positive PCR tests for the Omicron variant. “With the help of this procedure, the spread can be tracked in the best possible way. If the analysis shows a positive case, it will be forwarded for detailed sequencing,” the release said.

Styria also issued a clear vaccination recommendation: “Omicron should in no way discourage people from getting vaccinated against Covid-19 and continuing to comply with all recommended protective measures, wearing the mask, keeping your distance and hand hygiene,” emphasized Herwig Lindner, infectious disease specialist and president of the Styrian Medical Association. His expert colleague Robert Krause of the Medical University of Graz said, “Omicron is a new SARS-CoV-2 variant that has been classified as a ‘variant of concern′ by the WHO. Accurate clarification of the rate of onward transmission, disease potential and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccines are the next important steps in managing this new SARS-CoV-2 variant.”

— sources: APA/

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