The incidence of infection continues at a high level. According to the RKI, the seven-day incidence is almost unchanged at 389.2. The number of reported cases is decreasing in a weekly comparison – but this is also due to the once again incomplete data.
The nationwide seven-day incidence has again decreased compared to the previous day – but only marginally. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week on Monday morning with 389.2. For comparison: the previous day, the value had been 390.9. A week ago, the nationwide incidence was 441.9 (previous month: 277.4).
Health offices in Germany reported 21,743 new Corona infections to the RKI within one day. This is according to figures reflecting the status of the RKI dashboard as of 5 am. Apparently, however, figures from Niedersachsen are missing. Exactly one week ago, there were 27,836 infections.
When assessing the incidence of infection, it should be borne in mind that experts currently assume that there is a noticeable under-reporting, even irrespective of the missing data from Niedersachsen. Health offices and clinics come accordingly with the report of cases at least in individual regions no longer behind.
According to the new data, 116 deaths were recorded within 24 hours throughout Germany. Also here data from Niedersachsen are missing in the statistics. A week ago, there were 81 deaths. The RKI counted 6,531,606 proven infections with Sars-CoV-2 since the beginning of the pandemic, but the actual total number is likely to be significantly higher because many infections are not detected.
The number of Corona patients admitted to hospitals per 100,000 population in a seven-day period was reported Friday by the RKI as 5.71 (5.75 Thursday). The RKI gave the number recovered Monday as 5,435,700. The number of people who died from or with the involvement of a confirmed infection with Sars-CoV-2 rose to 105,754.
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