During the long shopping weekend in Vienna, you should pay attention to where you park your car, because parking violators face hefty fines.
Especially on this weekend, when Vienna’s stores also open on Sunday, parking violators will be particularly hunted down, according to ÖAMTC. A strong influx to the business streets and shopping centers is to be expected.
If you have nothing to give away, you should definitely stop parking illegally. The replacement of a car parked in a handicapped or bus parking space can cost more than 400 euros. The ÖAMTC tip: The most expensive parking garage is clearly more favorable than being towed.
More than 400 euros costs for parking violators in Vienna
According to ÖAMTC, towing costs 264 euros. The fee for keeping the vehicle at the MA 48 towing yard in Simmering is 10 euros per day. The fine for parking that obstructs traffic is usually 108 euros (up to 726 euros for serious offenses – such as parking in handicapped parking spaces). Those who then fetch their car by cab pay a total of more than 400 euros.
Cars parked in second lanes, in handicapped parking spaces, at streetcar or bus stops, in front of house entrances or in cab zones are particularly at risk of being towed away. Even on through roads, such as the Gürtel, cars are rigorously towed away – given the stopping ban in force during peak traffic periods.
Additional caution required in neighboring parking lots
In districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12, there are resident parking spaces in addition to the short-stay parking zones, according to ÖAMTC. Cost: 36 euros. If you have found a parking space, please make sure that it is not an adjacent parking space.
Information on residents’ parking spaces can be found at https://www.wien.gv.at/verkehr/parken/kurzparkzonen/anrainerparken.
— source: vienna.at/picture: Image by cdz from Pixabay
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