In the past 24 hours (as of 9:30 a.m. Friday), 38,631 new infections have been recorded. A week ago, there were 26,962 cases. At last count, 19 people infected with coronavirus died. An increase in corona patients has been recorded in hospitals.
The number of those covid sufferers requiring treatment in normal wards increased by 77 in the past 24 hours, to a total of 1395. Three more patients were added in the intensive care units. A total of 183 Corona-infected patients are currently in need of intensive care treatment.
To date, there have been 1,766,292 positive test results in Austria. As of 9:30 a.m. Friday, 14,061 people across Austria had died as a result of the corona virus, and 1,469,235 had recovered.
New infections are distributed among the provinces as follows: Burgenland 1160, Carinthia 2091, Lower Austria 5649, Upper Austria 6704, Salzburg 2572, Styria 5874, Tyrol 3159, Vorarlberg 1823, and Vienna 9599.
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