Warning of extreme heat this weekend

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The first heat weekend of the year with temperatures above 30 degrees is just around the corner. The Red Cross gives tips for the hot days and, at the same time, warns against the “death trap car” for children and animals.

Vienna weather in detail
The Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) announces at least until the middle of the week, partly clearly over 30 degrees.

Emergency organizations such as the Red Cross are warning people to be careful in dealing with the heat and to beware of the “car death trap”: The sun can heat vehicle interiors to life-threatening temperatures quickly.

Children and dogs or other animals should never – even briefly – be left alone in the car at high temperatures. “Even if the window is open a crack, temperatures inside a parked vehicle can rise sharply within a few minutes. This not only causes panic in locked dogs but can also result in severe brain damage or even death of the animal,” said Pfotenhilfe head Johanna Stadler. “Even a supposedly shaded parking space can be in the blazing sun after a few minutes,” she pointed out.

Dangerous temperatures are also for animals in cars
An employee of the animal protection organization had suffered from a self-experiment “after only 25 minutes with over 50 degrees nearly a circulatory collapse”. With 30 degrees of outside temperature, 34 degrees are reached in the car in the sun after five minutes, after ten minutes already 37 degrees, after a half-hour 46 and after one hour even 56 degrees, warned the paw assistance. With 40 degrees outside temperature after 60 minutes, hazardous 68 degrees are measured.

You should not expose yourself to the blazing sun for too long during the next few days. Take breaks, drink enough water, and wear headgear and sunscreen with a high sun protection factor, reminded the Red Cross. “If your mouth becomes dry, a feeling of listlessness sets in, headaches, dizziness, or cramps in your arms or legs, you should immediately go into the shade, sit down, and drink water.” If the condition does not improve, arrange for medical help.

The new week also brings temperatures above 30 degrees
Over the weekend, the afternoon heat will steadily increase, according to ZAMG. The following week will also be often thundery. On Sunday and Monday, daily highs of 28 to 34 degrees are expected, with an increasing tendency for thunderstorms. It should also become 27 to 32 degrees on Tuesday, and on Wednesday – with warm, but not everywhere, stable summer weather – 26 to 33 degrees.

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