Daylight saving time begins on March 27

On 27 March 2022, the clock will be turned again: the hands will jump from 2.00 to 3.00 a.m. in Europe. The ball is still in the court of the EU Council of Ministers, which last discussed the abolition of the twice-yearly time change in June 2019; the transport ministers are responsible. Time change should be abolished In March 2019, the European Parliament had voted by a large majority in favor of abolishing daylight saving time as of 2021 – or one year later if there were difficulties for the…

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Austria one of the corona infections frontrunners in Europe

More than 300,000 people were infected with the CoV virus last week. This puts Austria in the front rank in a European comparison. Only Iceland and Liechtenstein currently have a higher seven-day incidence. More than 300,000 people have been infected with the Coronavirus in this country in the past week. This puts Austria among the absolute frontrunner in Europe. According to the statistics portal Statista, which refers to data from Johns Hopkins University and the Robert Koch Institute, of 46 European countries, only Iceland and Liechtenstein had more officially confirmed…

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The government says goodbye to permanent free tests

The government says goodbye to permanent free tests The federal government is saying goodbye to the permanent free-of-charge testing at the end of March. Instead, these will be limited to a quota of five free PCR tests and five antigen tests per month, said Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens) at a press conference on Tuesday: “Anyone who wants to be tested can continue to do so.” It remained open how it continues with the school tests. Rauch referred here to the responsibility of the Ministry of Education. With the “good…

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Tuesday: 37,125 new infections in Austria

From yesterday to today, 40 new deaths related to Covid-19 were registered in Austria. It’s been ten days since largely all Corona protections fell in Austria. Since then, the number of cases has been rising rapidly. Yesterday, for example, 34,220 cases were recorded, the highest Monday figure since the pandemic began more than two years ago. The days before, unprecedented highs were recorded with almost 50,000 new cases on three consecutive days. From Monday to Tuesday, 37,125 new infections were registered in Austria. This represents the highest ever on a…

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Starting April 1, 5 antigen tests and 5 PCR tests per month for all

10-day quarantine for K1 people falls. What the new testing regime will look like 2.3 billion euros were spent in 2020/2021 for the free Corona tests on the part of the state. Remarkably about this, the cost of the vaccines, which the Ministry of Finance puts at 340 million euros. The Federal government has announced an end to the testing strategy in April. ÖVP Finance Minister Magnus Brunner can no longer imagine “free Corona tests for everyone at any time.” As he let it be known over the weekend, Health…

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New peak in infections in Germany

The German Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has again reported a peak in the 7-day incidence for Germany. The RKI said the value of new CoV infections per 100,000 inhabitants was 1,585.4 this morning. The previous day, the value was 1,543.0. A week ago, the Germany-wide incidence was 1,293.6 (last month: 1,437.5). Germany’s health offices reported 198,888 new CoV infections to the RKI within one day. Experts assume many cases that are not recorded in the RKI data. One reason is the limited capacity of health offices. For example, contacts are…

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“Alles gurgelt” – what’s next?

On Monday, Vienna-based Lifebrain, a central laboratory, notified 1,200 employees to resign. The company announced in a statement. The company is analyzing samples as part of Vienna’s Corona PCR testing program “Everything Gargles,” which is paid for by the federal government with taxpayers’ money. As the future of the tests is open, the company is notifying employees of their dismissal “in the sense of an early warning system,” it said. PCR test: Can an expired gargle test still be used? Lifebrain examines Vienna samples at the former Otto Wagner Hospital…

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The expert report warns of new Corona wave in autumn

The expert commission on compulsory vaccination assumes that a new and possibly massive corona wave can “very probably” be expected in autumn. Compulsory vaccination in Austria will be suspended If one is not adequately prepared for this, there could again be drastic Corona measures up to and including lockdowns. However, an immediate vaccination obligation is “not necessary” or “not appropriate. “A postponement would have the advantage that the measure could no longer be necessary. Corona wave expected in autumn: Lockdowns also possible According to the experts, their current implementation would…

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What’s next for free corona tests?

Time is running out to decide on the future Corona Test strategy in Austria. If there is no agreement by 31 March 2022, there will be no more free screening programs. Change in testing strategy possible by decreeThis raises questions as to whether nursing homes can then be visited without a Corona test, for example, or whether the current Corona quarantine rules could be maintained at all. The government is hoping for a solution in the coming days. Only 2.5 weeks are left until the end of the month. This…

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