Smartphones enjoy great popularity among many people. It has to always be with them, even on the toilet.
The days when men disappeared into the bathroom with the newspaper have had their day: now it’s time for the smartphone to replace the daily paper.
However, cell phones have no place in the bathroom.
Germs and bacteria on the cell phone
If you take your cell phone with you to the bathroom, you need to be aware that this gives germs and bacteria the perfect opportunity to cavort and multiply on your cell phone happily.
That’s why microbiologist Kelly Reynolds tells Focus magazine that cell phones are “the biggest germ-spreaders we come into contact with in everyday life.” Therefore, cell phones are not only a problem in interpersonal contact but can also have adverse effects on health.
The transmission path
You may wonder how the bacteria and germs get onto the cell phone in the first place. The explanation is relatively simple: Often, a bathroom is shared with other people. They may touch parts of the body that are already contaminated with germs.
If they touch surfaces in the bathroom that you also feel afterward, it has already happened: The germs find themselves on your hands. If you now touch your smartphone, the bacteria and viruses will continue to spread there.
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