Which Corona rules currently apply in Austria.

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These are the current Corona rules that apply in Austria.

Austria has lifted almost all Corona measures at Easter. On May 16, the 3-G rule for entering Austria will also fall. Only the FFP2 mask remains for the time being, at least in all public transport and vital trade. And the validity of the green passport has been extended to one year.

Where the mask requirement still applies

In vital trade, i.e., grocery stores, pharmacies, drugstores, gas stations, car repair stores, banks, or tobacconists.

In public transport (but not in cable cars, where there is only a recommendation) and the associated (closed) railroad or airports, in cabs, for school transportation, at the office in the party traffic, and further in nursing and disabled facilities in hospitals mandatory.

In health care facilities, 3G also applies, so you have to be vaccinated, recovered, or tested, whereby PCR tests outside Vienna are valid for 72 hours, in the federal capital only for 48 hours.

No restrictions on gastronomy and hotels

Gastronomy is exempt from restrictions throughout the federal territory. This also applies to night catering, which can be used without G-rules.

The hotel industry is also no longer affected by any restrictions. Even in cable cars, tour buses, and excursion ships, no mask is mandatory. However, wearing it in these settings is explicitly recommended in the regulation.

Where is a prevention concept mandatory

Prevention concepts are now only required outside the care and health sectors for 500 people or more events. A prevention officer must also be appointed.

What applies in the workplace

The 3-G rule in the workplace is history. Employees no longer have to put on appropriate protection themselves in mask-exempt areas. In plain language, a salesperson in a supermarket must continue to wear FFP2 masks unless there are other suitable protective devices such as Plexiglas. In contrast, a salesperson in a fashion store may show her face.

Employers may order covid measures as part of their duty of care or covid prevention concepts.

Free entry to Austria

For entry into Austria, all Corona restrictions will be dropped as of May 16, so there is no longer a 3-G rule (vaccinated, recovered, or tested).  Thus, entry from all world countries is possible again without any restrictions.

The previous rules for virus variant areas remain officially in place, but no country is currently on the so-called virus variant areas list. Should a new virus variant emerge, this could quickly re-imposition testing, registration, and quarantine requirements for specific countries?

Green passport

In some countries, a green passport is required upon entry. Its validity has been extended to one year after the last vaccination (booster).

On the other hand, a second vaccination may only be 180 days in the past or 210 days in the case of persons up to the age of 18. Also, recovery is further accepted for only 180 days to meet the requirements of the green passport.

Mandatory vaccination

The vaccination requirement was suspended on March 9 until further notice.

  • sources: APA/kurier.at/picture: pixabay.comn
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