The yellow dust annoys not only allergy sufferers. But why is it so intense again this year?
There is always talk of Sahara dust. However, the sand from distant lands does not have a finger in the pie of the current dust problem. It is due to the conifers, or more precisely, the spruces.
Since the spruce blossom has started, car owners are complaining and all those who like to make themselves comfortable on the balcony, terrace, or guest garden. Allergy sufferers can breathe a sigh of relief when it comes to spruce pollen – in contrast to other pollens, those of the spruce are relatively harmless. Nevertheless, they can cause burning eyes or irritation of the respiratory tract.
Experts of the nature protection federation explain in a dispatch that the so-called stress blooming and the mass fruiting of the trees is due to the climatic change. Johannes Gepp, president of the Styrian nature conservation association, to the mast year 2022: “In the traditional forestry theory, every seventh year was estimated as a guideline number as an average mast year, from another side under reference to sunspot cycles – every eleventh year. In some regions, until decades ago, it was every fourth year.”
Since 48 percent of Austria’s national territory is covered with forest and spruce is the most dominant tree with a share of 57 percent, experts expect 2022 to be a record year.
- source: APA/picture:
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