While carbohydrates from wheat, refined white sugar, and other chemical ingredients are bad for the body and nothing but energy suckers, there is also the healthy version – in the form of vegetables and whole grains.
“Good” carbohydrates should make up 45-65% of an adult’s daily caloric intake, especially if you’re active in sports.
So: stay away from breakfast cereals, white bread, and light pasta! Instead, reach for potatoes, vegetables, whole grains, quinoa, and soy products.
So carbohydrates are not the enemy – quite the opposite – we need them. Here are five good reasons why.
- you have bad breath
You have bad breath, and even brushing, flossing, and all that mouthwash multiple times doesn’t help?! It could be because you’re not eating enough carbohydrates. - you exercise regularly
Especially if you play sports, you should pay attention to your diet. Carbohydrates are ideal after a workout. They also help to build muscles. - you are not entirely focused
Your brain depends on carbohydrates. To get energy, it needs carbohydrates in the form of glucose.
Research indicates that women who eat fewer carbohydrates have poorer concentration and memory. After eating good carbohydrates, they were back on task.
So we need carbohydrates to think logically.
- you are moody
Carbohydrates are responsible for the production of serotonin. This is a hormone that, among other things, has a high impact on mood.
If you are often tired, stressed, sad, or just annoyed, it could be because you are not giving your body enough carbohydrates. Another reason for a bad mood can be that you are not allowed to eat what you want. It sounds trivial, but it is.
- you can’t go to the toilet
A change usually follows a change in diet in metabolism. People who eat less whole grains and good carbohydrates suffer from constipation and bloating much more often. source: miss.at/picture: pixabay.com
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