New bonus fix – this is how you get 250 € from government

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In recent weeks, the Austrian government has come in for criticism from all sides. Too little is being done to combat inflation, and the CO2 tax, which starts on July 1, is putting even more of a burden on people. As “Heute” already learned on Thursday, the new exhaust gas price is therefore to be postponed to October.

Friday morning, it was then fixed: Several insiders confirmed to “Heute” that already in the following days, a 3-point-result should be presented. This has it in itself: The CO2 price is shifted in October to approach the regional climatic bonus temporally and cushioned thereby. This is also the most explosive point Of the negotiations.

250 instead of 100 euros

Actually, depending on the place of residence and its connection to public transport, one should get either 100, 133, 166 or 200 euros per year. But because of the horrendous fuel prices and the additional CO2 tax of around 9 cents, this plan is being scrapped this year.

The climate bonus will be increased once to 250 euros – for everyone, regardless of where they live. Payment is to take place in October as planned. Negotiators emphasize that they are helping to make this uncomplicated and save time, because the instrument has already been set up. But how will it be paid out?

The only requirement is that the main residence must be in Austria for more than 183 days in 2022. Children will only receive half of this amount, i.e. 125 euros. A more detailed information letter will be sent to all households in June.

This will also explain in more detail how to redeem the bonus. In principle, the 250 euros will be transferred directly to the account of all persons from whom the authorities have bank details. This applies, for example, to people who have received subsidies, a pension or social benefits in the past, or who have submitted a tax return.

If no account data is available, people receive a voucher using an RSa letter. This voucher can then either be redeemed in stores or exchanged for cash at a bank.

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