If you are not sure you are drinking enough water, pay attention to your body. This gives you namely five signs that should warn you.
Drinking is just as important as eating. After all, our bodies are made up of 60 percent water. So it’s essential to keep your body hydrated throughout the day to function correctly.
Insufficient fluid intake can lead to kidney stones, bladder infections, migraines, and, in the worst case, heart disease.
At least one liter per day
For a healthy body, it is recommended to drink one to 1.5 liters of water per day. We get part of our daily fluid intake from our food.
Fruits, vegetables, and dairy products contain more water than other foods, but eggs, fish, and meat also provide our bodies with fluids.
In addition, we should drink between one and 1.5 liters per day, roughly equivalent to six to nine glasses. However, the amount also varies depending on a person’s age and level of activity. Older people, infants, and athletes have more significant fluid needs.
Five signs you’re not drinking enough
1) You’re oftentimes hungry
If you eat your meals regularly and still feel hungry, your body may tell you that it needs fluids.
To check this, drink two large glasses of water when the hunger pangs creep in again. If the hunger feeling is gone after 30 minutes, your body just needs the fluid.
2) You have a headache
The cells of our organism are made of water. If your body is not sufficiently hydrated, it is difficult for the cells to function correctly and communication with the brain becomes more difficult.
This is when the headaches occur. Sometimes it is enough to drink a few glasses of water instead of taking pain pills.
3) You have difficulty concentrating.
Lack of fluids can also manifest itself in the form of difficulty concentrating. If your brain doesn’t have enough water, it runs on low flame.
The blood is also less fluid and has difficulty flowing. This makes it difficult for you to concentrate and think clearly. Therefore, remember to drink regularly, even when doing something important.
4) You have dry skin
Despite all the creams and ointments, you rub on your skin every day, is your skin all cracked? This is not necessarily due to the quality of the cosmetic products.
Your skin needs moisture and can’t get it from creams alone. If your skin is dehydrated and less elastic, it is a clear sign that you are not drinking enough.
5) You rarely go to the toilet.
It is not surprising that if you do not drink much, you rarely go to the toilet. This is because the body gets used to retaining what little water it has. So it is an obvious sign that you should drink more.
If, despite all these signs, you still forget to drink, download an app that reminds you to drink every few hours or set the alarm.
- source: gentside.de/picture: pixabay.com
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