Tap water – the ideal thirst quencher!

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Drink at least one and a half to two liters every day! This is the recommendation for an adult to guarantee balanced water and mineral balance in the body. However, it should be more if it is boiling outside or we sweat heavily due to physical exertion.
The requirement can then increase three to four times. Those who do not compensate for a corresponding loss of fluids quickly feel that the organism’s vital functions are out of balance due to headaches, dizziness, and cardiovascular problems.

We know mineral water, juice spritzers, and unsweetened teas – drunk neither too hot nor too cold – are ideal as healthy thirst quenchers. But especially against the currently discussed background of sustainable nutrition, the question has recently been raised more and more frequently whether water from our pipes can be drunk without hesitation.

Tap water, which does not come from lead pipes, is of excellent quality in Austria and is recommended as a thirst quencher. It is subject to the high standards of the Drinking Water Ordinance and is monitored by the Health Department and the Federal Environment Agency. Corresponding drinking water analyses confirm that tap water is a valuable foodstuff. And not only that: tap water does not have to be laboriously carried into the house in bottles; it is about 100 times cheaper than mineral water and has an impressive ecological balance.

On average, about one billion liters of bottled mineral water are imported from abroad. Added to this are the bottles filled in the country that must be transported over great distances to the sales shelves. This considerable effort results in a climate impact about 600 times higher than that caused by tap water.
For fresh tap water, run the faucet until the water is cool. For a unique taste experience, chopped fruit or homemade fruit ice cubes made from pureed fresh fruit can be used.

  • source: eucell.de/picture: pixabay.com
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