Sliced onion against cough: This is what’s behind it

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A sliced onion next to the bed is supposed to help against coughs. We tell you whether this is true and for which complaints the natural remedy is also used in this article.

Sliced onion for cough – why it can relieve your symptoms
Placing a sliced onion next to your bed at night for a cough is said to help ease discomfort. The onion, which was named a medicinal plant in 2015, is a popular and effective remedy with many uses.

  • Due to the essential oils, onions have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes and are ideal as an expectorant for coughs.
  • But also due to other ingredients such as acetic acid, glycosides, allicin, or vitamins, the onion can be used for many ailments or preventively.
  • The onion is a true all-rounder for supporting health measures, whether for defense against viruses, bacteria, fungi, inflammations, or protection against cardiovascular diseases.
  • The best effect unfolds the onion raw and freshly cut so that all ingredients can develop and act.
  • The onion has an antibacterial, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Please note: After cutting the raw onion, it should be consumed or used for treatment within a day, as the moisture makes it an ideal breeding ground for germs. Excessive consumption of onions may also cause flatulence. If your symptoms do not improve despite using this home remedy, consult a doctor; the same goes for severe pain.

Use for cough
To help loosen mucus when coughing, a bowl of freshly sliced onions next to the bed can work wonders.

  • Simply slice or dice a raw onion and crush it a bit to release the ingredients.
  • Inhaling the essential oils and other active ingredients will loosen the mucus, and you will be able to cough up more easily and thus be free of discomfort more quickly.
  • Another way to let the fresh onion’s active ingredients unfold is to sprinkle it with salt or pour hot water over it.

Other uses of the onion
Onions are a popular home remedy for coughs; other ailments can also be treated with onions.

Onion sachet for earaches: For mild earaches or as a supportive remedy for middle ear infections, you can dice a piece of raw onion, crush it slightly, heat it (e.g., in the microwave or over steam), and place it in a handkerchief for half an hour on the aching ear. The juice should not run into the ear here so as not to irritate it.
Throat compress for sore throat: Here, you proceed the same way as with the onion bag for the ear, except that here you cut a little more onion due to the larger area and use a larger cloth for the wrap. When warmed, the onion has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Onion socks as an all-rounder: as disgusting as this may seem, onion socks can work wonders against all kinds of ailments. Many nerve and blood vessels end at the feet so that the active ingredients of the onion can easily reach the body and be absorbed.
Inflammations can be counteracted or prevented by the onion socks, the immune system can also be strengthened, blood circulation can be promoted, and harmful substances can be excreted better. Put raw onion slices (cold or warmed) into the socks before going to bed and spread them on the soles of the feet.

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