On Tuesday, 8,970 new coronavirus infections were reported across Austria, well below last week’s average.
A week ago, 11,709 new cases were added daily. The seven-day incidence dropped to 907.9 per 100,000 population on Monday from 956.6. The number of people infected with coronavirus in hospitals remains high. On Tuesday, 2,526 patients who tested positive were in hospitals.
Number of new corona infections decreases
That was three fewer than the previous day and 22 fewer than a week ago. Intensive care units continue to treat 120 critically ill patients. In one week, the number of Covid 19 patients in intensive care has decreased by ten.
However, the number of Covid deaths remains very high, with 15 more deaths recorded since Monday. In the past seven days, 50 deaths have been recorded, compared to 87 deaths the week before. The Covid 19 pandemic has claimed 20,943 lives in Austria since the outbreak. Per 100,000 inhabitants, 232 people have died as a result of infection.
Currently 116,000 active corona cases in Austria.
There are 116,188 laboratory-confirmed active cases in Austria, down 4,268 from the previous day. Last Monday, 13,365 new infections were registered. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have already been 5,356,174 confirmed infections in Austria. Only Upper Austria currently has a four-digit seven-day incidence, 1,070.4. The lowest is now in Vienna with 802 and Vorarlberg with 750.2.
Across Austria, 12,366 Corona vaccinations have been given as of Monday, of which 11,351 were booster vaccinations (4th, 5th, and any additional doses). A total of 958,205 people have received booster vaccinations so far.
- source: vienna.at/picture:pixabay.com
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