Just now, you were eating ice cream in breezy and loose clothing, and suddenly autumn arrives in full breadth. The days are getting shorter, the temperatures are dropping, and many people’s energy and enthusiasm are visibly dwindling.
Even if the sun shows itself less often in autumn and the rainy day’s increase, it is no reason to hole up on the sofa. On the contrary – with a few simple tips, you can enjoy the colder months without being constantly tired or listless.
One reason for the persistent listlessness and fatigue is the lack of sunlight. When it is dark, the sleep hormone melatonin is increasingly released. This hormone is responsible for making us feel tired. In addition, the synthesis of vitamin D requires UV-B radiation. In the darker months, the vitamin is produced much less. Take advantage of your lunch breaks, the weekend, or maybe even after work to savor the sun’s precious rays. In addition, vitamin D-rich foods can be added to your grocery list more often to meet your needs for the vitamin. Fish such as eel, herring, trout, cheese, and mushrooms are particularly suitable for this purpose.
With the beginning of the third season, the opportunity offers itself to call the resolutions for this year into the present – more movement. Whether running, cycling, or swimming, physical exertion releases endocannabinoids and the endorphins known as happiness hormones. These substances are particularly elevated after endurance sports and have an anxiety-relieving, relaxing, and euphoric effect.
With the proper clothing and suitable footwear, outdoor sports can also be done in autumn!
The end of the heat period means a decreasing feeling of thirst and a decreasing amount of drinking. Due to the dry heated air, the body constantly loses water, and the skin dries out. As a result, the daily fluid requirement of at least 1.5 liters is often not met. The result is fatigue and tiredness. Ideally, small amounts should be drunk continuously throughout the day. Unsweetened teas are perfect for the cold months.
On short and cold days, the craving for high-energy foods increases, whether chocolate, cakes, or hearty foods such as pizza. Fast food, in particular, contains a lot of energy and quickly utilizable carbohydrates, but at the same time, only a few vitamins and minerals. As a result, the feeling of satiety is short-lived, the need for vital substances is not met, and the necessary drive for the day is missing. Instead, reach for wholesome and seasonal fruits and vegetables such as apples, cabbage, or pumpkin.
- source: eucell.de/picture: Bild von chulmin park auf Pixabay
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