A 2,000-euro nursing bonus was already decided in October and will be paid out this year in December. For 2023, the bonus will be transferred 14 times with the monthly salary payments.
Employees in care professions can look forward to an additional Christmas bonus this year. The care bonus, already decided in October, is to be paid out as early as December. Although the amount includes non-wage labor costs and must be taxed according to the income tax scale, it should provide additional financial relief for this occupational group.
Full-time and part-time employees in the following occupations are entitled to the care bonus:
- Employees of the “Pflegefach- und Pflegeassistenz” (according to the “Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegegesetz – GuKG,” BGBl. I Nr. 108/1997)
- Employees of the “higher service of health care and nursing”.
- Certified and specialized social care workers, as well as home helpers, provided that they have been employed since 01 November 2022 at a hospital, a semi-inpatient or inpatient facility for long-term care, mobile care, and nursing services for long-term care, semi-inpatient or inpatient facilities for work with the disabled or spa facilities.
- Employees on maternity leave while the bonus is being paid are also entitled to this care bonus, provided they were registered in “active pay” for at least one month in the 2022 calendar year.
Amount and payment of the bonus
The bonus for 2022 totals 2,000 euros gross, including statutory fringe benefits. Part-time employees will receive the amount calculated on a pro-rata basis. The amount will be paid retroactively for the entire calendar year and transferred with the December salary.
In 2023, the bonus of 2,000 euros will be divided into 14 months and transferred directly with the monthly salary payment.
- source: finanz.at/picture: Bild von Alina Kuptsova auf Pixabay
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