These days, hundreds of thousands of Viennese will receive a letter informing them about the payment of the next 200-euro bonus.
Last year, Viennese households received a 200-euro bonus in their bank account against the increased energy costs. The only condition was that the gross annual income of a single-person household must not exceed 40,000 euros or 100,000 euros for more than one person. Therefore, a total of more than 630,000 households received the bonus.
However, because energy, rent, and food prices are still well above pre-crisis levels in 2023, the bonus will be paid out again starting in mid-April. The income limits will remain the same. “People with lower incomes spend more than half of their income on this, they are hit particularly hard by this inflation,” says Social City Councilor Peter Hacker, justifying the 130 million euro measure.
For probably 550,000 households, there is good news: With them flutters Thursday a letter in the mailbox informing about the automatic payment of the 200-euro bonus in April. “Since there was no relevant change to your address on the cut-off date of March 25, 2023, the energy bonus ’23 will be automatically instructed to the last bank account specified,” the letter says.
Those who received the bonus by mail will automatically receive it again by mail. The remaining eligible households (probably a little less than 100,000) will get a different letter. For example, people who recently moved to Vienna from another province will find a unique password for the online application.
This can be submitted as of April 17. People who are not computer-savvy can call the service hotline at +43 1 4000 8040 for personal advice and to apply.
- source: Bild von Jojo Hasilla auf Pixabay
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