Unlike flies, which annoy people for various reasons, mosquitoes have only one goal: they want your blood. These cunning insects bite and suck blood before you even realize you’ve been bitten.
So you may wonder why you are always plagued by itching, swelling, and redness in your body? This could be especially true if your family and friends are seemingly immune to this constant nuisance.
The answer could be related to your blood type. According to Senest.dk, researchers have been studying mosquito patterns and behavior since the 1970s to find an explanation for why mosquitoes bite some people more than others.
Research studies suggest mosquitoes have a preferred blood type that makes them favor certain people: Type O. If you have this blood type, it could be the answer to why mosquitoes often prey on you.
Why do mosquitoes love this particular blood type? Several studies have shown that the proteins in blood type O attract hungry mosquitoes more than other blood types. These little bloodsuckers also attack people with blood group B, but not as aggressively as those with blood group O.
Blood type A is the one that mosquitoes favor the least, which means that if a person with blood type A is with friends with blood type O or B, the hungry mosquitoes can go straight for them and completely ignore people with blood type A.
If you have experienced mosquitoes always attacking you while your friends are spared, this could be the reason. However, this is not always the case.
- source: dagens.de/picture:
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