According to forecasts, Vienna will train more than 16,000 carers by 2030, thanks to the city’s investments alone. Apply now for ‘Jobs PLUS Training’!
Nursing staff are already in high demand and will continue to rise. The City of Vienna is turning the tide with funding from Waff, the new specialist center, and the ‘Pflege. Future. Vienna`s training campaign is to attract interested Viennese people to the care and nursing professions.
A study commissioned in 2019 identified a need for 9,000 new carers in the long-term care sector in Vienna by 2030. As a result, the state government decided to provide funding of 1.1 billion euros to double the number of training places and modernize the infrastructure. In the autumn, 2,000 starting places financed by the city are already available across all training courses.
City Councillor for Social Affairs and Health Peter Hacker: ‘We set the strategic course in good time, and this is having an effect. According to forecasts, we will train more than 16,000 nursing staff by 2030 due to the city’s investments. 5,000 of them have already completed their training.’
In 2024, 12.2 million euros will be invested in the care sector of the ‘Jobs PLUS Training’ programme. Waff has expanded the programme in cooperation with AMS Vienna to train more nursing and care professionals from 685 training places in 2018 to 1,709 this year. Specifically, there are 522 places available this year for home help, 532 for nursing assistance, 100 for nursing assistants, 191 for specialised social care professions and 364 for the FH Bachelor’s degree programme in healthcare and nursing.
Almost 46% of all nursing training courses in Vienna were completed via the Jobs PLUS training programme in 2023. Since 2018, around 3,700 people have already worked in nursing or care professions and completed their training through the Jobs PLUS Training programme.
10,000 more people have been employed in Vienna’s health and care sector since 2017
One of the main reasons for the increasing demand for labour is the demographic trend. Although Vienna is the youngest federal state, forecasts predict that the number of elderly Viennese over 80 will increase by 14,000 from 93,000 to 107,000 by 2030. There is also a clear upward trend in the number of staff. In 2023, 70,100 people will be employed in the Viennese healthcare and nursing sector, more than 10,000 more than in 2017.
Apply now!
The ‘Jobs PLUS Training’ programme is aimed at people in Vienna who are currently unemployed or facing a career change. When they join the programme, they receive free training and a permanent job offer at a Viennese company. Additional financial support is available for more extended training programs: ‘Jobs PLUS Training’ – waff
You can still apply to Waff to study healthcare and nursing until July 21, 2024, for the start of the winter semester of 2024–25. Study in the field of healthcare and nursing – waff
Are you interested in other nursing and care professions? All current training programmes can be found here: Job search: waff
In addition to nursing with a Matura from the FSW, there is a technical school for social care professions,, especially for young people and, from autumn 2024, a separate preparatory course: Bildungszentrum (FSW)
You can find an overview of job profiles, employment opportunities, training programmes and a guide to suitable funding on the Pflegezukunft Wien website.
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