With a scam, scammers want to get the account data of their victims. By phone they tell you that you have to be tested on Corona for 50 euros.
A short phone call can have a long after-effect. Currently, fraudsters are playing with their victims’ fear of Corona. They make them believe that they were with a Corona positive person. And now they have to go to the test themselves. They can buy a test kit for 50 euros by giving their account details. Furthermore they have to announce the address. And finally there is a threat. “If the address is not disclosed, penalties could follow,” the fraudsters tell their victims.
Such a phone call is currently being spread on Facebook. One should be careful if an unknown person asks for their data on the phone. As with most things of this kind – nephew trick or general subtle fake calls – the police advise that you should hang up immediately and file a report.
This is how a possible phone call could go down: (German and English)
(Anrufer: “Guten Morgen. Laut unserem System waren Sie wahrscheinlich in der Nähe von jemandem, der positiv auf COVID-19. getestet wurde. Das bedeutet, dass Sie sich jetzt für 7 Tage selbst isolieren und einen COVID-19-Test machen müssen. .”)
Caller: “Good morning. According to our system, you were probably in the vicinity of someone who tested positive for COVID-19. This means that you must now isolate yourself for 7 days and do a COVID-19. test. .”
(Opfer: “OK Kannst du mir sagen, wer diese Person war?”)
Victim: “OK Can you tell me who this person was?”
(Anrufer: “Das kann ich dir nicht sagen. Das sind vertrauliche Informationen.”)
Caller: “I cannot tell you that. That’s privileged information.” ′
Opfer: “Richtig. Ähm… so….”
Victim: “Right. Um… so….”
(Anrufer: “Aber Sie müssen innerhalb der nächsten 72 Stunden getestet werden. Kann ich also einfach die beste Postadresse bekommen, damit wir euch ein Kit schicken können?”)
Caller: “But you need to be tested within the next 72 hours. So can I just get the best mailing address so we can send you a kit?”
(Opfer: “Ok (gibt Adresse) ′′ )
Victim: “Okay (gives address) ′′
(Anrufer: “Vielen Dank – und ich brauche nur eine Zahlungskarte, damit wir das fertigstellen und Ihnen das Kit schicken können.” )
Caller: “Thank you – and I just need a payment card so we can finish this and send you the kit”.
(Opfer: “Entschuldigung – eine Zahlungskarte? Ich dachte, das wäre alles kostenlos?” )
Victim: “Excuse me – a payment card? I thought all this was free?” ′′
(Anrufer: “Nein – leider nicht. Für das Kit und die Testergebnisse gibt es eine einmalige Gebühr von 50 Euro. Könntest du mir bitte die lange Kartennummer ablesen, wenn du bereit bist.” ′′)
Caller: “No – unfortunately not. There is a one-time fee of 50 Euro for the kit and the test results. Could you please read me the long card number when you are ready.” ′′
(Opfer: “Nein – das ist nicht richtig.” )
Victim: “No – this is not right.”
(Anrufer: “Ich fürchte, das ist es. Könnt ihr mir bitte die Kartennummer geben – das ist sehr wichtig, und es gibt Strafen für die Nichteinhaltung.”)
Caller: “I am afraid it is. Can you please give me the card number – it’s very important, and there are penalties for not doing it.”
— Hector Pascua, Source: Facebook and heute.at. Picture: stockilyapp.com
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