Fruits and vegetables in autumn: these varieties will keep you slim and fit

With fall just around the corner, it’s time to harvest fruits and vegetables. Many of the vegetables and fruits that fall brings are healthy and low in calories. Autumn: fruits and vegetables for a slim figureMany fruits and vegetables harvested in autumn are real slimmers and are particularly rich in minerals, fiber, and vitamins. Apples: These fruits are harvested in September. They have a shallow calorie content and are, therefore, perfect to be eaten as a snack. Moreover, due to the pectin they contain, they make you feel full for…

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Corona numbers continue to rise in all areas – 8,080 new Corona infections reported Monday

Eight thousand eighty new Corona infections were reported in Austria on Monday. In the hospital, 1,697 people with Corona infection were treated. Seventy-one people had to be cared for in an intensive care unit. Corona numbers continue to rise in all areas. Not only did infection numbers, active cases, and incidence continue to spike, but the number of hospital patients has also increased again. Since Friday – weekend hospitalization and testing figures will not be available for now – 187 people with SARS-CoV-2 infection joined other hospital patients, authorities reported…

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Pension increase fixed for 2023

The governing parties ÖVP and Greens have agreed to adjust pensions for 2023. Among other things, an increase of ten percent for minimum pensioners is already a deal. The details will be announced by the Minister of Social Affairs, Johannes Rauch (Greens), and the chairman of the Austrian People’s Party, August Wöginger, tomorrow, Tuesday morning. According to unofficial information, the following details have already been agreed upon: The pension increase is to take effect on January 1, 2023.The income of the approximately 200,000 pensioners with equalization supplement (i.e., so-called minimum…

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20 Euros will be deducted from the climate bonus

If you’re not at home, you’ll pay for it – at least that’s the case with the climate bonus because a postal power of attorney for pickup at a branch costs a whopping 20 euros. For some Austrians who receive the climate bonus by mail, it is not worth 500 euros, but only 479.60 euros. This can happen if no one is at home when the delivery is attempted, and the RSa letter is deposited at the post office branch. Then there are several possibilities: Personal collectionThe recipient picks it…

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Austrian federal president election on October 9, 2022

On October 9, 2022, the Hofburg election will occur, and 6,363,479 Austrians will be called upon (provisional number of eligible voters) to elect the new Federal President. Despite the record number of seven candidates in the federal presidential election, it could already be fixed after the first ballot, which is the new national president. Only those who get more than 50 percent of the vote will become Federal President – the polls suggest that incumbent Alexander Van der Bellen could clear this hurdle in the first attempt and not have…

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Pope directly calls on Putin and Selenskyj to make peace

Pope Francis calls for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine. Addressing the presidents of both countries, the Holy Father said they must find a way out of the crisis. He said it was “absurd” for the world to face a nuclear threat because of Ukraine. Addressing Russian President Vladimir Putin, Francis said he should end the “spiral of violence and death” out of “love for his people.” It was the first time since the start of Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine on February 24 that the Argentine pope addressed President…

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Come back of late summer in Austria

The Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) promises sunny and friendly weather from the west, with temperatures up to 23 degrees from the middle of the week. Tight northwesterly flow on Monday in AustriaOn Monday, Austria will remain in a tight northwesterly flow. Thus, initially, even denser clouds will accumulate on the northern side of the Alps, which will also bring rain, especially between Salzburg and the Mostviertel, with a snow line between 1,700 and 2,200 meters. Gradually, however, the weather calms down. There are only a few denser…

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Corona: SARS-CoV-2 infections can damage the intestine

The issue of Corona is not going away. Infections with SARS-CoV-2 mainly attack the lungs but can also damage other organs, such as the intestines: About 60 percent of patients have effects on the digestive tract. New findings from researchers at MedUni Vienna could form the basis for more advanced treatment strategies. They have been published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Corona: SARS-CoV-2 infections can damage the intestineThe scientific team led by Diana Mechtcheriakova of the Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research focused on investigating peculiarities and commonalities…

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Corona infection numbers in Austria tripled within three weeks

Corona numbers are rising in Austria, with the incidence of infection picking up along with falling temperatures. The ministries confirmed twelve thousand two hundred seventy-four new infections in the past 24 hours on Saturday – that was three times as many cases as three weeks ago, when precisely 4,038 infections with SARS-CoV-2 were reported. Compared to last Saturday, the number was up by nearly 4,000 cases – with continued low interest in testing. Regarding the number of unreported cases, “we are groping in the dark,” said complexity researcher Peter Klimek…

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