Pharmacies to continue offering Corona tests for free

Pharmacies are offering other services to patients to combat the Corona pandemic. Chamber President Ulrike Mursch-Edlmayr announced in an interview with APA that pharmacies are ready to take on additional free tests. At the same time, with an expert paper and positive experience from Germany, she reiterated her demand that pharmacies should also be able to provide Covid vaccinations. Pharmacies want to secure supply of free Corona testsMursch-Edlmayr pointed out that in view of increasing vaccination coverage, local authorities are increasingly cutting back their offer of free tests. In any…

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Vienna City Hall Square: opportunity for Corona vaccination at film festival with or without E-Card

An opportunity for Corona vaccination is opening up at Vienna’s Rathausplatz starting July 3 – and there’s no need to register in advance. Vaccination: Action at the Austria CenterDuring the Film Festival, the vaccination box is available daily between 5:00 to 10:00 pm. For those over 18 years of age, the vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, which is only required once, is available. For those under 18 years of age, the vaccine from Biontech/Pfizer is offered. In this case, the second shot is then administered at the Austria Center Vienna.…

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17 new delta cases in one day in Lower Austria

The dangerous delta variant of coronavirus was confirmed in 17 cases in Lower Austria today. There were also 43 new suspected cases reported. In Lower Austria, the number of delta cases is rising sharply. The office of Health Regional Councillor Ulrike Königsberger-Ludwig confirmed on Friday that 17 new cases have been reported. Furthermore, 43 new suspected cases still need to be sequenced. Some districts are particularly affected by the delta variant. These include Bruck an der Leitha, with 25 confirmed findings and 9 concrete suspected cases, and Mödling, with 19…

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Ministries reported 95 new Corona infections in Austria

On Friday, the Interior and Health Ministries reported 95 new cases since Thursday. That is above the average for the past week, when 79 new infections were added daily. The seven-day incidence was 6.2 cases per 100,000 population, the same as the previous day. On Friday, there were 1,828 actively infected people nationwide, 31 fewer than on Thursday. The last time there were so few currently infected people was just under eleven months ago. As of August 15, 2020, there were 1,824 confirmed active cases. Over 100,000 vaccinations carried outAcross…

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Official Green Pass app now available for Apple users

For Apple users, there is now an official app for the Green Passport. Whether Vaccinated, Convalescent or Tested, every certificate can be imported into it offline. Download the App How to get it? The Ministry of Health has collaborated to develop its own app for the Green Passport in time for the start of the vacation season, which can be used to call up the 3G certificates (Genesen, Getestet, Geimpft) offline, i.e. without a data connection. The app, which for now is only available in the iOS app store, stores…

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Ban comes into force on Saturday: Disposable plastic disappears from shelves

Straws, cotton swabs, disposable cutlery – consumers in Austria will have to say goodbye to disposable plastic products. An EU directive from 2019 comes into force tomorrow. However, the articles are not completely off the market for the time being. In all EU member states, all single-use plastic products are to disappear from the market as of this Saturday. This is provided for by an EU directive banning plastic tableware from 2019. The ban, which takes effect on the July 3, 2021 deadline, affects disposable products such as single-use cutlery…

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Vaccine protection against delta variant: What does 90 percent effectiveness mean?

The vaccines also protect against the delta variant of the coronavirus, but the effectiveness is said to be reduced, just below 90 percent. What does that mean, are 10 percent of those vaccinated unprotected, is each individual 90 percent protected, or does it mean something completely different? While all other corona virus variants are in retreat, the delta mutant (B.1.617.2) is spreading rapidly. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) estimates in its threat report that delta will reach 90 percent across Europe by the end of August.…

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Summer vacations begin in eastern Austria

Around 490,000 schoolchildren in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland will start their nine-week summer vacation today, Friday, after school reports have been distributed. For the 655,000 children and young people in the western provinces, the vacation will not begin until a week later. School starts again in eastern Austria on September 6. The school year was marked above all by renewed school closures due to the Corona pandemic. From November onwards, most schools had no or only limited attendance classes in shifts. It was not until May that all students…

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EU Medicines Agency (EMA): Full vaccination probably protects against delta variant

The EU Medicines Agency (EMA) believes that a full coronavirus vaccination also protects against the Delta variant of the virus. “Currently, it appears that the four vaccines licensed in the EU protect against all strains circulating in Europe, including the delta variant,” EMA vaccination strategy manager Marco Cavaleri said yesterday at his agency’s regular press briefing in Amsterdam. Field experience and laboratory tests have shown that two doses (one dose in Johnson & Johnson’s case) could produce antibodies capable of neutralizing the delta variant, he said. However, Cavaleri appealed to…

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