Corona: 583 new infections in Austria

Exactly 50.0 – this seven-day incidence per 100,000 people was reported on Saturday. In the past 24 hours, there were 583 new infections, which is below the average of the past seven days (636). There was also a positive trend in hospitals, where 679 patients were cared for, 28 fewer than on Friday. 242 people are in intensive care units – which is an increase of eight since the previous day, but were 79 fewer than a week ago. The province with the highest seven-day incidence is currently Vorarlberg with…

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Pharmaceutical companies: 3.5 billion vaccine doses for poor countries

Pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) plan to provide 3.5 billion CoV vaccine doses to poor countries. They pledged that amount for 2021 and 2022 at the World Health Summit in Rome yesterday. U.S. company Pfizer, working with German company Biontech, plans to supply two billion doses of its vaccine to countries, Moderna up to 995 million and J&J up to 500 million. In the run-up to the summit, the EU Commission had contacted the manufacturers, with whom the EU had good experience, about this, according to…

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Weather in Austria for the long weekend

It will remain cool and unsettled in the coming days: Thus, the weather will remain little friendly over the holidays (Pentecost Sunday), as shown in the forecast of the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG). The Vienna weather in detailOn Saturday, the next disturbance will cross the country. Dense to closed clouds will prevail, at most a few gaps in the clouds will appear in the east and southeast. Here, it will rain only intermittently, towards the west more persistent and heavy. The wind will blow moderately to briskly…

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FREE SUPERFOOD AT YOUR DOORSTEP: The benefits of stinging nettles for health, brain power and beauty

Getting “caught” by a stinging nettle isn’t exactly pleasant. That’s probably one of the main reasons why most people tend to avoid this plant or immediately consider it a weed. Yet the stinging nettle not only contains an extremely large number of nutrients, it seems to be a veritable miracle herb. Hardly any wild plant is as robust as the stinging nettle. And there is hardly a meadow, path or forest edge where it cannot be found. Only very few people take the opportunity to pick it and use it…

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Chancellor Kurz: Further further relaxations possible in June

After a meeting with representatives of culture, associations and tourism in Tyrol,Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said Friday at a media appointment in Innsbruck that he could now make the commitment “that the safety standards that we still have, can be relaxed.” Easing of distance regulations and curfewsThe goal is to ease “distance regulations, square meter restrictions and curfew hours,” Kurz said. There should be widespread normality during the summer. “Once we have offered vaccination to everyone who wants it, the state will have done its job. Then it’s back to normality,…

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Health Minister Mückstein expects use of FF2 masks until next winter

Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) explained in the Kleine Zeitung that we will “basically still have the mask obligation” in summer and also in winter. This apparently applies primarily to indoor areas. “We will be able to talk about the mask obligation outdoors,” says the department head. The statements are surprising in that Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) had recently announced that next Friday they would talk with the provincial governors about the future of the FFP2 mask in Austria. Because in close rooms, paired with long stay, the risk increases…

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Vienna grill places open starting today, 21 May 2021

From May 21, it will once again be possible to use the public barbecue areas in Vienna. Until October, the barbecue areas can be used daily and without reservation free of charge – Corona protection measures must be observed. Barbecueing in Vienna at public placesAll public barbecue areas in Vienna also have drinking water dispensers and toilet facilities. “However, it is particularly important to adhere to the rules of the game even when barbecuing, so as not to endanger anyone. The barbecue site supervisors ensure both on the Vienna Woods…

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Third dose of vaccination to maintain Corona protection

Austria is making good progress with vaccinations. 3,139,772 people have received at least one vaccination so far, and 1,162,623 already have full vaccine protection. However, this vaccination protection is expected to last only about six to nine months – after which people will need a booster. Experts recommend a booster will be needed in autumn to maintain Corona protection. “The provinces have already started the preliminary work on logistics,” Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said Thursday. “Virus will not disappear”According to vaccination expert Herwig Kollaritsch, there is no exact data yet, but…

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