Currently, 446 people are undergoing hospital treatment for coronavirus. From yesterday to today, 498 new Corona infections were reported in Austria. To date, there have been a total of 644,207 confirmed cases in Austria. 10,592 people have died and 627,672 have recovered in connection with coronavirus infection. Currently, 446 people are undergoing hospitalization for coronavirus. Of these, 168 are being cared for in intensive care units. The new infections in the provincesBurgenland: 5Carinthia: 17Lower Austria: 81Upper Austria: 70Salzburg: 41Styria: 36Tyrol: 84Vorarlberg: 35Vienna: 129 — source:
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How protected am I after one dose of vaccination?
More than 3 million Austrians have already received the first dose of a Covid 19 vaccine. But does the one dose already protect? A British scientist has compiled data from various studies and makes a clear statement for all four vaccines approved in the EU. According to his data, even the first dose of vaccine provides a high level of protection against the coronavirus. Countries such as the United Kingdom are therefore extending the period between the two shots to guarantee initial protection for as many people as possible. For…
Read MoreGermany: Seven-day incidence drops to 37.5
The new infections in Germany decrease, within one day the RKI registered 5426 cases. Nationwide seven-day incidence drops to 37.5The nationwide seven-day incidence of new corona infections has continued to decline, to now 37.5 cases per 100,000 population. As reported by the Robert Koch Institute on Saturday morning, citing data from health offices, 5426 new infections and 163 deaths related to the virus were registered within one day. Last Saturday, 7082 cases had been reported. The seven-day incidence is currently declining steadily. On Wednesday, it had fallen below 50 for…
Read MoreCzech Republic opens borders for tourists with first Covid vaccination
The Czech Republic will open its borders from Monday to Austrians who have already received the first Corona vaccination. This was announced by the new Czech Health Minister Adam Vojtech on Friday. This has been confirmed in an Austrian Press Agency press release. People who have already been vaccinated once will be allowed to enter the country without restrictions. This regulation also applies to Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. Vaccination certificates from these seven countries will be recognized in the Czech Republic, Vojtech explained. The openings from Monday…
Read MoreBenefit show with more than 50 artists at St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna
More than 50 artists raised funds for Corona-Hilfe at a benefit concert held infront of the St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna’s 1st District on Friday evening, May 28, 2021. The event was initiated by former Life Ball organizer Gery Keszler. The concert featured the way Austria’s ancestors have dealt with crises and major challenges over the past seven centuries. In the course of the event, Conchita Wurst made her world premiere. The Eurovision winner sang “Rise like a Phoenix” in German for the first time. “Austria for Life” is an…
Read MoreMore than 3.4 million Austrians vaccinated
The additional maximum of 340,035 adolescent vaccinees should at least not drastically slow the pace of vaccination in Austria, as slightly more than 350,000 initial vaccinations were conducted in the previous week alone. Overall, as of Wednesday, 3.4 million people in Austria had been vaccinated (38.6 percent of the population as of Jan. 1, 2021), including 1.3 million who were fully immunized (15 percent of the population). Immunization coverage is highest among 75- to 84-year-olds, at nearly 80 percent, and lowest among 16- to 24-year-olds, at just under 18 percent.…
Read MoreStudy: Corona recovered with mild course could have lifelong immunity
Corona patients with a mild course could have lifelong immunity, according to a study. Convalescents who had only mild symptoms still have antibodies in their blood almost a year after their illness, the researchers write in the journal “Nature”. The number of antibodies would drop again quickly after an infection, as known from previous studies. However, the antibodies would never completely disappear, which could lead to lifelong immunity. The researchers note, however, that people who had a severe course after infection might be less protected because of a variety of…
Read MoreUpdate on the use of FFP2 Mask
The government announced on Friday its plans for the relaxations. There are also changes to the mask requirement. On Friday, 28 May the federal government has decided on the further opening steps that will come into force from June 10. Particularly in the gastronomy trade it comes this time to substantial relaxations. For example, the closing time will be extended from 10 p.m. to midnight, the person limit will be increased and the minimum distance reduced. Relaxations will also be implemented in trade, leisure, sports, museums. Here, for example, the…
Read MoreHealth Minister Wolfgang Mückstein: Minors to be vaccinated by the end of August
In the event of approval of the CoV vaccine from Biontech and Pfizer for children aged twelve and older also in Austria, minors are to be vaccinated with it by the end of the summer, Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) announced today at a press conference. “We have the goal that by the end of August, the largest possible number of children and adolescents between twelve and 16 should be vaccinated,” the minister said. The vaccine is already being given to minors in the U.S. and Canada, he said. If…
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