Fewer and fewer Austrians belong to the Catholic faith: 85,000 people left the church in 2023

The number of members of the Roman Catholic Church in Austria fell from 4,733,085 to 4,638,842 in 2023. This is according to the church statistics published by the Bishops’ Conference on Wednesday. The decline of around 1.9 percent is roughly the same as the previous year. With 85,163 resignations, around 5,500 fewer people left the church in 2023 than in 2022. Income from church contributions increased slightly, from just under 500 to 511 million euros. Fewer baptisms and weddingsAccording to Kathpress, the reasons for the resignations are likely to be…

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Sunny weather at the weekend, cold front coming again on Tuesday

The upcoming weekend will bring plenty of sunshine and pleasant temperatures. However, a cold front will reach us in the middle of the week, according to Geosphere Austria’s forecast for Thursday. From Tuesday, we can expect a lot of thick clouds that will bring widespread rain. Until Friday morning, fog and high fog patches will persist in some areas over the lowlands and even last a little longer on the southern side of the Alps. Otherwise, sunny weather conditions will prevail. Although there will be a few more large cumulus…

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National Council: Pension increase fixed for next year

Pensions are expected to climb by 4.6%Accordingly, the increase of 4.6 percent covers inflation but only up to the maximum ASVG pension. Those with a higher pension will receive a fixed amount of just under 279 euros. The pension adjustment will remain suspended, while the inflation protection clause for new pensioners will be extended. Approval from the SPÖThe SPÖ agreed to the bill but, like the FPÖ, would have preferred more generous regulations. The SPÖ was annoyed that the protection clause for the corridor pension only applies in exceptional cases.…

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Flu vaccination offered free of charge throughout Austria for the first time

For the first time this year, the influenza vaccination is being offered free of charge to everyone living in Austria. 1.2 million doses, around 160,000 more than last year, are available for this influenza season. Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens), Styrian Health Minister Karlheinz Kornhäusl (ÖVP), and Andreas Huss, Chairman of the Conference of Social Insurance Institutions, announced this on Monday. Flu can be life-threateningA list of all medical practices and facilities offering vaccinations is published on the websites of the federal government, provinces and health insurance companies for those…

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Update: U2, U3, U4 will be running continuously starting today, Wednesday

The Vienna River’s water levels have continued to fall throughout the day, and the Danube Canal’s water level is expected to fall today, Wednesday. The dismantling of the flood protection measures is well advanced; almost all of the dam beams have now been removed. The overhead lines of the U6 are gradually being repaired. Subway service from September 18:Wiener Linien currently assumes that the following lines will be in operation starting today: U2: continuous service between Schottentor and Seestadt U3: continuous operation between Ottakring and Simmering U4: test runs successfully…

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Southern railroad runs, western railroad remains closed, more than 250 road closures in Lower Austria

The heavy rain in eastern Austria seems to be over, but isolated showers are expected to follow in the course of Tuesday. However, flooding, mudslides and melting snow could continue to cause problems. Both politicians and the emergency services are therefore calling for caution. In terms of traffic, there was a slight sigh of relief on Tuesday morning: ÖBB resumed long-distance services between Vienna Central Station and Mürzzuschlag (Styria) at 4am. The Pottendorf line and the Mattersburg line are also back in operation. Local services between Vienna and Payerbach-Reichenau (Neunkirchen…

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“Österreich hilft Österreich”: A United Effort to Support Flood Victims in Austria

In times of crisis, unity and solidarity can make all the difference. Austria recently witnessed one such remarkable display of national solidarity through the initiative “Österreich hilft Österreich” (“Austria Helps Austria”). Spearheaded by the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) in collaboration with private agencies, this action was launched in response to the devastating floods that affected large parts of Austria, leaving families displaced and infrastructures destroyed. Austria, with its majestic alpine landscapes and river systems, has long been susceptible to extreme weather events. The recent natural catastrophe that hit the country…

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Flooding in Austria – Situation critical, but some relief in sight

Finally, some relief is in sight: after five days of continuous rain, cloud cover is expected to break up today over the flood-stricken regions in the east. This is a small glimmer of hope for those who have lost everything. You can find all the latest information from the flood areas live here again today. The full extent of the disaster will only become apparent in the coming days and weeks, until the water has completely receded. Until then, eastern Austria will remain in crisis mode. The most important information…

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Weather Improvement in Sight: What Happens After the Recent Floods in Austria?

Austria has faced extreme weather conditions during the past 5 days, with devastating floods causing widespread disruption across several regions. The impact has been severe, but with forecasts predicting an improvement in weather, there’s hope that recovery efforts will accelerate. The Floods: A Nation Hit by Unprecedented Rainfall Austria experienced, especially in Lower Austria, which was declared a disaster zone, the worst flooding in recent history. Unusually heavy rains led to rivers and streams overflowing their banks, submerging villages and towns and badly damaging roads, bridges, and infrastructure. Key Facts…

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