Oil prices will now be higher again!

The Easter weekend is just around the corner – and many Austrians use the time to travel or visit relatives. The mineral oil managers are rubbing their hands as sales are increasing strongly. Oil prices and the Easter vacations have caused fuel prices to rise again. Like the Amen in the prayer, it goes up each year also with the prices – also this year. Thus gasoline increased on average by 4 cents, and Diesel by a cent to the previous week. This time, however, the companies are not getting…

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Real Estates prices could soon become cheaper

General uncertainty is high against rising interest rates, tighter lending guidelines, Corona aftershocks, high inflation and global crises. The real estate market is now feeling the effects of this, with residential sales in 2022 falling back to 2017-2020 levels. And there also appears to be a trend reversal in prices. As an analysis by real estate broker Remax shows, the price increase in the fourth quarter of 2022 was significantly lower than in the previous quarter. “Viewed over the year as a whole, this is, on the one hand,,, a…

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Vienna Energy Bonus 2023- how to get it in your account

The “Vienna Energy Bonus 23” starting signal is imminent – the bonus can be applied from April 17. This is how it works! Just under 234,000 people will receive the energy cost flat rate of 200 euros.The deadline for applications for the Vienna Energy Bonus 22 ended on March 31, 2022, and the City of Vienna is taking positive stock. The central goal of this support service was achieved: around two-thirds of all Viennese households were quickly and unbureaucratically supported with 200 euros each. “With the Vienna Energy Bonus 22,…

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Holy Week Weather is cold and unsettled – the possibility of snow on Maundy Thursday

According to the Geosphere Austria forecast, Holy Week will be cold and unsettled. On Maundy Thursday, it may even snow in Vienna. During Holy Week, the weather will continue to be cold and unsettled. There will also be snowfall in the next few days, according to the forecast of Geosphere Austria (formerly ZAMG). The daily highs will be eleven degrees in the coming week; twelve degrees are possible on Good Friday. The weather in Holy Week is cold and unsettled.It will remain unsettled on Monday at the beginning of Holy…

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Across Austria, severe thunderstorms are expected again.

Thunderstorm danger on the weekend in Austria! A powerful thunderstorm is heading for parts of the country – temperatures are dropping significantly. A Low-pressure system, “Markus,” with a core over northern Germany, will also cause changeable April weather in Austria on Sunday. The weather today: low-pressure influence will persist, and colder air of polar origin will gradually seep from the northeast. Thus, snow will again be a topic, especially on Monday nights in the Northern Alps. The new week will then bring undercooled but largely calm spring weather. It will…

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Austria: Loans, cell phones, electricity rebates – what comes in April?

Electricity and cell phones will become more expensive in many places, loans will become easier, and ÖBB will change its timetable. This and other things await you in the new month. In April, Austrians will face changes that will affect most cell phone contracts, electricity prices, loan granting, and the ÖBB timetable in Salzburg. But what are the details of the changes? From April 1, cell phone contracts will become more expensive. Partly it concerns price increases of over 8 percent. Affected are all cell phone contracts that contain value…

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Corona forecast: this is what the experts expect after Easter

The COVID forecasting consortium expects a continued decline in Corona numbers after the Easter vacations. “Data from both effluent monitoring and EMS consistently indicate a downward trend in infection incidence,” the COVID Forecast Consortium notes in its latest preview. With 2,595 new Corona infections reported, the number had almost halved compared to the previous week, when 4,035 new Corona cases were reported. It’s a trend that experts expect to continue until after the Easter holiday. Using its model calculations, the consortium also predicts that the steady decline in COVID incidence…

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Austria: Prices for household energy decreased slightly in February

Prices for household energy decreased slightly in February. The Energy Price Index (EPI) fell by 1.4 percent compared to the previous month of January, as reported by the Energy Agency. Prices nevertheless increased by 30.5 percent. In January, prices had risen by around 13 percent compared to the previous month of December. Prices for household energy have now been on an upward trend for more than a year. In February 2022, prices were already 27.4 percent higher. Compared to February 2021, this year’s prices have risen by 42 percent. “Must…

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Short-term return of winter this week

On Sunday, GeoSphere Austria experts forecast a short-term return of winter. On Tuesday, early temperatures of minus six degrees are possible. On Monday, clouds will accumulate on the northern side of the Alps. It will initially rain or snow here, partly persistently and heavily, but also away from the congested areas; a few showers will pass through in the north and east. In the afternoon, the clouds will temporarily clear up, and the sun will appear, but a few snow showers will continue to pass through. The snow line will…

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