Started planning your summer vacation 2022? – things to consider

The desire to travel is particularly great again in 2022, and many countries are relaxing their entry regulations. But the pandemic has changed a few things. What should be considered when traveling in the summer of 2022? “Restrictions on the ground are still to be expected in summer 2022. In addition, the travel industry generally expects higher prices due to rising energy costs,” says ÖAMTC lawyer Verena Pronebner. To ensure that nothing gets in the way of your dream holiday, the mobility club already has tips for optimal preparation. What…

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Ukraine – 12,000 refugees are now registered in Vienna

More and more people fleeing the Russian war of aggression from Ukraine arrive in Vienna. Already 12,000 refugees have registered their primary residence in the federal capital. This was announced by the city councilor responsible for integration and education, Christoph Wiederkehr (NEOS), during question time in the city council on Wednesday. The proportion of children and young people is exceptionally high. According to Wiederkehr, ten percent of those affected are of kindergarten age, 20 percent of compulsory school age. In the case of the former, efforts are being made to…

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Blackout danger – solar storms hit Earth on Wednesday

Since Monday, there have been several explosions in sunspot AR2975. These have caused solar storms that will hit Earth today, Wednesday. Things are boiling on the sun’s surface: In sunspot AR2975, there have been more than 17 significant explosions since the beginning of the week. The US weather agency NOAA is now warning of several solar storms that could hit our planet on Thursday night (31 March). Global blackout and aurora possible Geomagnetic storms can have catastrophic effects on the earth. They threaten the power supply, but they could also…

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EU states want to take joint action on the fourth vaccination

The EU states want to proceed uniformly with a possible fourth coronavirus vaccination. The EU Commission will “draw up a recommendation on the fourth vaccination within the shortest possible time based on scientific expertise,“ said German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) today after a meeting with his EU colleagues in Brussels. The majority of the health ministers of the EU countries had supported his proposal to harmonize national vaccination strategies. The recommendation of the EU Commission could “also be an essential compass for Germany in dealing with the second boost.“…

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Sars-Cov-2 shows resistance to remdesivir

Sars-Cov-2 is a virus that is particularly susceptible to mutation, as shown by the constant emergence of new variants. It also defends itself against possible drugs with modifications, as a case from the USA shows. The German therapy guideline for Covid-19 also mentions Remdesivir. But doctors may not be able to rely on this drug for much longer. In a study, it was observed that Sars-CoV-2 could develop resistance to antiviral. Paxlovid has shown high efficacy against severe covid-19 in trials. Nevertheless, it is not seen as a gamechanger in…

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A combination of flu and Corona is particularly dangerous

By withdrawing protective measures, more other viruses will circulate alongside the coronavirus. This increases the risk of simultaneous infections with two different viruses. For Sars-CoV-2 and influenza, researchers find worrying amplification effects. Adults hospitalized with Covid-19 and influenza simultaneously have a much higher risk of severe illness and death than patients who only have Covid-19 or are infected with other viruses. This is shown by research results from scientists at the University of Edinburgh, the University of Liverpool, the University of Leiden, and Imperial College London, published in the scientific…

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How many cups of coffee a day positively affect heart health?

Three new studies have come to the unanimous conclusion: if you drink several caffeinated coffees a day, you are doing your heart well. In the process, the researchers identified the so-called “sweet spot” – the ideal amount of coffee for heart health. Coronary heart disease, heart failure, and stroke are among the most common and deadly diseases globally. There is no getting around a healthy lifestyle if you want to prevent them. And one of the most popular drinks in the world is also said to be able to make…

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How the war of aggression in Ukraine could end – the possible scenarios.

Putin sent 250,000 soldiers, but his war of aggression is faltering violently. The most important thing would be to stop the fighting immediately. published five possible scenarios that would stop the war in Ukraine. SCENARIO 1: Putin wins, a horror for all. Russian soldiers march into Kyiv. Ukraine President Selenskyj and Kyiv city leader Klitschko have to flee. Putin installs a puppet government. It would have to govern against the will of the Ukrainians – impossible. An underground war would be the result. But experts think a Putin victory…

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Coronaviruses also multiply in the eye.

One should watch the consequences of infection for the visual organs. It has long been known that coronaviruses cause infections of the respiratory tract. It has also long been known that other organs can be affected. There have been some reports of neurological impairments and visual disturbances during or after an infection. The virus could be detected in the retina in several studies on retinal biopsies of people who died of the corona. In addition, there are numerous indications that coronaviruses can enter the retina of the eye and cause…

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