Study: Can aspirin really relieve corona symptoms?

According to a US study, the active ingredient in Aspirin can reduce the course of the disease and lower the risk of complications – that’s what it does.The search for a vaccine to prevent corona infections or for drugs that can at least positively influence the course of the disease is still ongoing. A study from the USA has now tested the well-known active ingredient of Aspirin: acetylsalicylic acid. In this study, patients who had already been treated with acetylsalicylic acid in a low dose before their infection with Sars-CoV-2,…

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Commentary – We must react accordingly: with caution, reason and responsibility.

Yes, the number of infections is rising again, not only in Austria but also in other countries within europe. No, that is no reason to panic. I am certain that the situation can still be mastered with caution, reason and responsibility. You can also provoke a crisis. Or – as in the case of Corona – unnecessarily dramatize a pandemic that has been raging for months and is changing all our lives and everyday life. This danger exists in Austria, which is remarkably successful in the fight against the virus…

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Halloween in Corona times: Fewer kids on the road

This year, fewer children will go out to collect sweets. Halloween has now established itself in Austria. But this year, due to Corona, fewer children will be on the road to collect sweets. Halloween has established itself in Austria, despite criticism of the “foreign” customs: Many children are feverish or shivering towards the night of November 1st. No wonder, since this is the gruesome night of lost souls, the Celtic death god Samhain and the Witches’ Sabbath. But this year, due to Corona, there will certainly be fewer boys and…

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Covid-19: Immunity could decrease rapidly

A study increases doubts about a durable immunity after Covid 19 infection: The antibodies against the virus in the British population had clearly dwindled in the summer, report researchers of the Imperial College London (ICL). The scientists had examined the level of antibodies in the British population after the first wave of infection in spring. According to the results, the prevalence of antibodies in six percent of the population dropped at the end of June to only 4.4 percent in September. This suggests that the protection may not be long-lasting,…

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Detect symptoms: The difference between colds and corona

Do I only have a cold or is it Corona? This question is currently occupying many people. A study shows which symptom can give an indication of corona.Right now the uncertainty is enormous. With a slight scratching of the neck, a runny nose and a feeling of tiredness or lack of energy, many people wonder whether it is just a cold or a corona. The symptoms can provide information. Even if both diseases show similar symptoms, the symptoms experienced by subjects already infected with Covid-19 were recorded in a study…

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Winter time is back

In the midst of the Corona crisis, summer time in Europe came to an end on Sunday. At 3.00 o’clock the hands were turned back one hour. How the time changeover in the EU will continue is still completely unclear. The ball is still in the court of the EU Council of Ministers, which last discussed the abolition of the twice-yearly time changeover in June 2019. The process was kicked off by an online survey. In this study, 84 percent had spoken out in favor of a time changeover. In…

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An overview of the rapid spread of the virus in Europe

In Germany the corona numbers are rising enormously, but the hotspots of the pandemic are in the neighbouring countries Czech Republic, Belgium and the Netherlands. First the German Chancellor warned to reduce personal contacts to a minimum and to refrain from travelling, then of all people, Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn became infected with the corona virus. The number of deaths associated with COVID-19 disease exceeded the 10,000 mark this Saturday, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). According to this, 10,003 people have died so far in connection…

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How Corona destroys the lungs

Although the virus does not only affect the lungs, it can cause severe damage, especially here. Researchers at Cambridge University have for the first time observed how SARS-CoV-2 attacks and destroys the individual cells of the alveoli. They discovered that cell death occurs in three stages: The affected cells produce virus copies on the very first day and simultaneously release immune substances. These mobilize the antiviral cell defense 48 hours later, but soon after that the cell begins to die, as “scinexx” reports. The scientists came to the conclusion that…

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EU Health Agency: “Expect things to get even worse”

The EU Health Agency ECDC estimates the coronavirus situation as a major threat to public health. Today’s risk update stated that CoV infections have increased significantly in EU countries in recent weeks. The increase in the number of reported cases was no longer only due to increased testing. The front-runner in the current ECDC evaluation is the Czech Republic with 1,149 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Compared to these 1,149 cases, Austria is still in the middle of the European field with a new infection rate of 234 per 100,000 inhabitants…

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