WHO lacks $16 billion for poorer countries

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 16 billion dollars (about 14 billion euros) are still needed this year to support poorer countries in the fight against CoV. The WHO put the size of the gap in the budget for supplying such countries with vaccines, tests, and medicines last night in Geneva. The money is to flow into a program launched by the United Nations. It said that that could create a pool of 600 million vaccine doses, buy 700 million tests, and provide treatment for 120 million patients. “Science…

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Germany: RKI reports 169,571 new cases Incidence reaches new high of 1441

Infection figures are rising, albeit at a slower pace: the RKI is registering 169,571 new cases, nearly 7,000 more than last Tuesday. Meanwhile, the incidence climbs to a new high. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) registers a renewed increase in the nationwide seven-day incidence. With 1441.0, the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week reaches a new high. For comparison, the previous day, the value had been 1426.0, a week ago 1206.2, and a month ago 335.9. Experts believe that a sub-variant of Omicron, which is probably even…

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Australia opens borders for vaccinated tourists

Australia plans to reopen its borders to tourists vaccinated against the coronavirus on Feb. 21. “If you are double vaccinated, we look forward to welcoming you back to Australia,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison said today in the direction of holidaymakers. Australia had closed its borders to people overseas and even most citizens overseas in March 2020. The government has long adhered to a zero-CoV policy. However, faced with the spread of the highly contagious Omikron variant of the coronavirus, Morrison had to abandon it. The controversy over the entry of…

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World News: Number of seriously ill people at all-time high in Israel – Africa to set up own continental health organization

The number of people seriously ill with Covid-19 in Israel is at the highest level since the beginning of the pandemic two years ago. The Ministry of Health said 1263 sick patients were being treated in hospitals. On Saturday, 1229 seriously ill people had already been reported. The previous peak had been reached a little over a year ago with around 1185 seriously ill patients. Africa to set up own continental health organizationIn response to the pandemic, Africa wants to establish its own continental health organization with wide-ranging powers. The…

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More than 900,000 Corona deaths in the U.S. so far

More than 900,000 people have died in the U.S. in connection with Corona infection since the pandemic began. That was revealed Friday by data from Johns Hopkins University (JHU) in Baltimore. The threshold of 800,000 Corona deaths had been exceeded as recently as mid-December. The Johns Hopkins website is updated regularly and usually shows a slightly higher level than the official figures. In some cases, however, the numbers have been revised downward. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), just over 892,000 people had died in connection with…

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RKI registers new infection peak in Germany

The number of new corona infections in Germany reported to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day has once again reached an all-time high. Health offices reported 248,838 cases in 24 hours, according to RKI data Friday morning. A week ago, there were 190 148 recorded new infections. The RKI gave the seven-day incidence as 1349.5 – also an all-time high. For comparison: the previous day, the value was 1283.2. A week ago, the Germany-wide incidence was 1073.0 (previous month: 239.9). The current figures reflect the status of the…

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Denmark says goodbye to corona restrictions

Despite continuing high numbers of new infections, virtually all Corona restrictions will fall away in Denmark on Tuesday. Mouth-nose protection will then no longer have to be worn in the northern EU country. Also proof of vaccinations, recoveries, and negative tests per Corona passport is no longer necessary. Large events can go ahead unhindered. Nightlife is also allowed to take place again. Covid-19 is no longer classified as a “socially critical disease.” In September of last year, Denmark had already completely abandoned the restrictions. But then new infection figures rose…

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Philippines to open to vaccinated tourists in February

Philippines – The Southeast Asian island nation has announced plans to reopen its borders to international tourism on Feb. 10, 2022, after about two years of entry bans. The first step will be the turn of nationals from 157 countries, which includes Austria. To enter the country, people aged 18 and older must show a vaccination certificate and a negative PCR test, which must not be older than 48 hours. The Philippines is opening its borders to international vacationers for the first time since March 2020. Starting Feb. 10, fully…

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Germany: RKI counts 118,970 new cases Seven-day incidence jumps to 1156.8

Compared to the previous day, the Robert Koch Institute registered slightly fewer new infections within 24 hours. Instead, the nationwide incidence continues to rise. In addition, there are 59 deaths. The seven-day incidence of new Corona infections in Germany has continued to rise. It was according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in the morning nationwide at 1156.8. On Saturday, it had been at 1127.7, on Sunday last week still at 806.8. The incidence quantifies the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. According to the RKI,…

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