Compulsory testing for unvaccinated entrants to Germany to take effect starting August 1

Germany will introduce compulsory testing for all unvaccinated entrants to the country from August 1, government sources have told Reuters news agency. However, the formal vote in the government is still pending. In the future, not only air travelers, but also people who come to Germany by car, train or ship should present a test upon entry. Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) had proposed this, and several state premiers had endorsed the proposal. source:

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Portugal opens from Sunday

The Portuguese government presented its three-step plan to end Covid 19 restrictions on Thursday. For example, starting Sunday, the nighttime curfew between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. that has prevailed until now will be dropped. The limited curfew for bars will also cease to exist, Prime Minister Antonio Costa said at a press conference. Under certain conditions, sporting events will once again be allowed to receive visitors. However, these have yet to be defined. Home offices are no longer mandatory, but are still recommended. “Vaccines have contributed very significantly to…

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RKI reports 2768 new cases Seven-day incidence rises to 15

The infection curve in Germany currently knows only one direction: upwards. For the third week in a row, the nationwide incidence is rising. And also with the new infections no relaxation seems at present in view. The seven-day incidence has been rising for three weeks. According to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) this morning, it is at 15.0 – the previous day the value was 14.5, and at the most recent low on July 6, it was 4.9. Health offices in Germany reported 2768 new Corona infections to…

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Number of Corona deaths in GB at daily high since March

The number of Corona deaths in the UK has risen to the highest daily level in more than four months. On Tuesday, authorities reported the deaths of 131 people, the most since March 17. At that time, 141 people died within four weeks of Corona infection. In the past seven days, there have been 480 Corona deaths nationwide, 40 percent more than the previous week. “This is partly because of the high number of cases recorded in recent weeks,” said Public Health England medical director Yvonne Doyle. “We know that…

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EU reached 70 percent initial vaccination rate among adults

In the EU, 70 percent of adults have received at least one dose of vaccination against the coronavirus. As EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced today, 57 percent of adults have already received full vaccination protection. This means that Europe has caught up in a global comparison. The USA and Israel, for example, were initially much faster in offering vaccinations to the population. But efforts must be maintained, von der Leyen said. “The delta variant is very dangerous.” She therefore called on everyone to get vaccinated if they…

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Coronavirus worldwide: USA does not ease travel restrictions for the time being, quarantine in Germany for returnees from Spain or the Netherlands

About 194 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.1 million infected people have died. About 3.8 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. USA For the time being, the United States does not intend to lift the entry restrictions imposed on travelers from Europe and other countries because of the Corona pandemic. “Because of the Delta variant, we will maintain the existing travel restrictions at this point,” White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Monday (7/26). Because of the Delta variant,…

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Berlin classifies Spain and the Netherlands as high-risk areas

In Germany, Spain and the Netherlands have been classified as CoV high-incidence areas since midnight. This means that additional requirements apply when entering Germany from there, according to the Robert Koch Institute. With the decision, the German government has reacted to a significant increase in the number of infections in the two countries. Anyone returning to Germany from a high-incidence area who is not fully vaccinated or recovered must be quarantined for ten days, but can shorten that period by testing negative after five days. Shortly before the new classification…

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Coronavirus worldwide: Rising incidences in Gibraltar despite high vaccination rate, Total of 148 Corona cases in Olympic environment

About 194 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.1 million infected people have died. About 3.8 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. In Gibraltar, the number of new infections is rising despite high vaccination rates. The Tamedia newspapers report that the seven-day incidence on the peninsula is 600, with new infections affecting both vaccinated and unvaccinated people and largely due to the delta variant. However, the number of severe cases is low. According to official reports, the vaccination rate…

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Coronavirus worldwide: Ten more Corona cases around the Olympics, protests in France and Brazil.

About 193 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.1 million infected people have died. About 3.8 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. Despite the many precautions, such as plastic between seats in the canteen and instructions to keep your distance, the cases of the infections at the Tokyo Olympics are piling up.Despite the many precautions, such as plastic between seats in the canteen and instructions to keep your distance, cases of infection are piling up at the Tokyo Olympics.…

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