WHO: vaccination provides 85 percent protection against monkeypox

According to WHO, once commonly used, smallpox vaccination is 85 percent effective against monkeypox infection. Meanwhile, the number of reported cases in countries outside Africa continues to rise. It reported this in Geneva on Saturday, citing studies. Routine smallpox vaccination was halted after smallpox was declared eradicated in 1980. Deaths from monkeypox can occur primarily in young children and people with compromised immune systems, such as those infected with HIV, WHO reported. No deaths have been reported outside Africa since the first cases began mid-May. According to studies, more than…

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4,107 new infections in Austria on Saturday

Four new deaths were associated with Covid 19 infection.From Friday to Saturday, 4,107 new infections were registered in Austria. This is above the 7-day average of 3,384 infections. The 7-day incidence rises to 266.14. In the past 24 hours, 50,888 tests were performed. The positive rate is 8.07 percent. Currently, there are 43,273 active Corona cases in Austria. In addition, there are four new deaths. This means that 18,694 people with SARS-CoV-2 infection have died across Austria. Currently, 473 patients are being treated in the hospital. In intensive care units,…

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Filipinos in Austria: Celebrating 124 Years of Philippine Independence

VIENNA, Austria – Hundreds of Filipinos based in Austria will participate in the festivities to mark the 124th Declaration of the Philippine Independence Day here. On June 4, 2022, the Filipino community in Austria, led by the _Council of Filipino Associations in Austria in cooperation with the Philippine embassy, held the Independence day ball at the Marriott Hotel, Vienna. The Philippine Embassy in Austria, led by Chargé d’ affairs, a.i. Irene Susan B. Natividad attended the Philippine Independence Day Ball. CDA Natividad lauded the CFAA for its inspiring humanitarian work…

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124th Philippine Independence

June and July 2022 – two significant Pinoy events are taking place during these months – celebrating Philippine Independence Day and Barrio Fiesta.These wonderful occasions bring us together. We must set aside our differences and think as one people, one nation!This sense of unity and having a common heritage should keep Filipinos in Austria together. This sense of community will allow us to face the tremendous challenges confronting our lives as Filipinos living in a foreign land.We have heard and read the lessons of unity many times before. But it…

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How dangerous is a blue light on smartphones?

The blue light emitted by smartphones, tablets, and computers has been considered harmful. But according to a recent study might be less dangerous than thought. We’re exposed to it all the time, but scientists are undecided about what effects blue light has on our health. What’s certain is that blue light has a long-term impact on children’s brains and is also bad for our eyes. But a new study finds answers to more questions. Is blue light harmful? We often hear that this light emitted by smartphones, tablets, and computers…

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Austrian Health Minister Rauch expects further Corona waves

Health Minister Johannes Rauch is convinced that the Austrian population should prepare for more Corona waves. “We will have waves, not only this year but also further down the line,” Rauch told reporters Thursday: “But we can dampen them down to relieve the hospitals.” The tool of choice for that, he said, is vaccination. “We have to be prepared to live with covid. The virus has come to stay.” But after two years of the pandemic, he said, people have learned “a bit” to deal with it, but that doesn’t…

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USA ends corona test requirement upon entry

Travelers abroad to the USA will no longer have to present a negative coronavirus test before their flight on Sunday. The CDC health authority in Washington announced this on Friday (local time). The pandemic has “entered a new phase” due to widespread vaccination, the availability of treatment options, and increase immunity within the population, the agency said, explaining the move. As a result, it said, the risk in the U.S. of becoming severely ill with corona or even death has decreased. The U.S. travel industry had long called for an…

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4,271 new Corona infections in Austria on Friday

In Austria, 4,271 new Corona infections were registered within 24 hours on Friday (as of 9:30 a.m.). This is above the average for the past seven days (3,172). According to Interior and Health Ministry figures, last Friday’s figure of 3,211 new infections was also exceeded by more than 1,000 new cases. The seven-day incidence was 247.3 cases per 100,000 population. As of Friday, there were thus 41,550 active cases in Austria, up 1,838 from the previous day. Two thousand four hundred thirty people were considered recovered within the past 24…

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Trend on Corona traffic light goes up again

Corona case numbers are trending upward in Vienna and the three western provinces. Individual provinces could therefore slip back into at least medium risk. Infection numbers are now rising significantly again. Nevertheless, the risk figure, which is decisive for the coloring of the Corona traffic light, is falling. This is achieved by the responsible commission calculating the figures beautifully. Once again, new parameters were used today, which resulted in better figures. Thus the low risk continues to prevail in all federal states. According to the previous model, the western states‘…

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