New record: 31,070 new Corona infections in Austria on Wednesday

A new record in new Corona infections was reported from Tuesday to Wednesday, with 31,070 new infections in Austria. New Corona infections are heading for a new high. According to figures released this morning, 31,070 new infections were reported in the Epidemiological Reporting System (EMS) from Tuesday to Wednesday. However, these are still raw data, as the Ministry of Health stressed on Wednesday in response to an APA query. The more reliable, because adjusted for duplicate reports infection reports of the provinces are expected in the course of the morning.…

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Several states report peak levels of new COVID 19 infections

Peak levels of new CoV infections have been reported in several countries today. In Germany, more than 100,000 new infections were reported to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day for the first time since the CoV pandemic began. Health offices reported 112,323 cases in 24 hours, according to RKI data this morning. The RKI now gave the 7-day incidence as 584.4. This is also an all-time high. By comparison, the previous day, the Germany-wide incidence was 553.2, and a week ago it was 407.5. Omicron wave in Czech…

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Kiribati two years without CoV: first plane brings infected people

For two years, the South Sea nation of Kiribati has managed to keep CoV almost completely off its islands. Now, the first plane allowed to land brought 36 infected people to the archipelago. The plane, which came from Fiji, had 54 fully vaccinated people on board who had undergone three tests before takeoff, all of which came back negative, the government announced today. But after arriving in Kiribati on Friday, 36 of the passengers tested positive for the virus, it said. They were taken to a quarantine center. One of…

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Caution: Again more phishing attempts via SMS

Currently, fraudsters are again trying to get their victims to open a link via SMS. Internet users are being lured into the trap with different tricks, but always with the same intention. They receive a message via SMS in which a supposedly important reason is given that makes it necessary to click on the link sent along. This usually leads to a page where users are asked to enter their personal data or access data for Facebook or online banking. Such phishing attempts are usually easy to unmask. On the…

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CoV in Salzburg: Omicron wave weaker than expected

In Austria, 15,000 people are currently infected with the Omicron variant – a record figure. However, the increase is weaker than feared. Hospitals are noticing only a small increase in patients. Experts see this as a success of the CoV measures, though this is not yet the final conclusion. In past experience of the coronavirus pandemic, increases in infection with a two-week delay have always led to increases in hospital occupancy. After 20 days of Omicron wave in Salzburg, record infection numbers are showing, but the number of those needing…

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Health Minister Mückstein favors comeback of living room tests

Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) is “of course” in favor of a comeback of living room testing if further increases in coronavirus case numbers overload the system. He expects a recommendation on this from the advisory panel of the all-state Covid Crisis Coordination Office (GECKO). A decision could come as early as this week. The commission is currently deliberating on the testing strategy going forward. “We are now at the beginning of the fifth wave and have a very well-developed testing system. An immediate adjustment to the testing strategy is…

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Corona infections worldwide: 49,343 confirmed new infections in Mexico, 137,103 new in Brazil, 112,323 new infections in Germany

For the first time since the start of the Corona pandemic, more than 100,000 new Corona infections have been reported to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany within one day. Health offices reported 112,323 cases in 24 hours, according to RKI data from Wednesday morning. On Friday, the number was above the 90,000-case mark for the first time. Exactly one week ago, there had been 80,430 new infections. Along with Germany and Brazil, Mexico also reported an all-time high in new infections. Nearly 50,000 cases were registered within 24 hours,…

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What are sensible measures and solutions against climate change?

Everyone can contribute to climate protection! True to the motto “avoid, reduce and compensate”, we can take responsibility for our own ecological footprint, i.e. also for our CO2 emissions. The most important everyday causes of harmful emissions include travel by car or plane, but also heating and electricity consumption, as well as our own consumer behavior. Below you will find some tips on how to reduce your own ecological footprint and CO₂ emissions with simple measures and thus contribute to climate protection:  Use public transport such as the train or…

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New highs of infections in France and Italy

France and Italy each recorded new highs of nearly 465,000 and 228,000 reported new coronavirus infections within 24 hours yesterday. As the French health authority indicated in the evening, 464,769 new infections were registered. In recent weeks, the number of cases has risen rapidly. Most recently, the incidence value, i.e. the number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants within one week, was 3,063 nationwide. The omicron variant of the coronavirus dominates. In view of this, France’s government wants to provide further incentives for Covid 19 vaccination and significantly tighten the rules…

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