Covid drug: Thousands of doses of Paxlovid available as of March

Ministry of Health concluded a contract with Pfizer’s first treatment cycles available from mid-March. A treatment option has recently become available with the development of drugs to mitigate the progression of the severe covid disease. However, it is not a substitute or alternative for vaccination, warns the Ministry of Health. In March, Austria will receive tens of thousands of Covid 19 drug paxlovid. A corresponding contract with the pharmaceutical company Pfizer was signed on Friday, the Ministry of Health announced on Saturday. Further tranche deliveries are planned throughout 2022, it…

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Entry rules to Austria and virus variant areas

As a general rule for entry into Austria, the 3-G rule will be introduced on February 21. Excluded are new virus variant areas, which currently do not exist anyway. Until then, persons entering the country must be vaccinated or recovered and, in any case, PCR-tested (2-G-plus). The PCR test is waived for people with booster vaccination. For commuters, 3-G continues to apply. People without a valid PCR test or booster must comply with a quarantine; people without valid 2-G proof may enter the country but must enter a mandatory quarantine…

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WHO chief: pandemic not over yet

The World Health Organization (WHO) head has warned against rushing to declare the CoV pandemic over. There is a high vaccination rate in some countries combined with a lower risk of the omicron variant, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said today at the Munich Security Conference. That feeds the dangerous narrative that the pandemic is over, he said. “But that’s not true,” he said – 70,000 people a week are still dying from a preventable and treatable disease. According to him, eighty-three percent of Africa’s population has not even received an initial…

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Omicron subtype BA.2 continues to grow significantly in Germany according to the RKI

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the variant BA.2 of Omicron, which can be transmitted even more quickly, has increased noticeably in Germany, according to initial findings. The proportion of Corona cases examined in a random sample has recently risen to 14.9 percent, the RKI stated in its weekly report on Thursday evening. This figure refers to the week ending Feb. 6 – for the week before, the RKI gives the proportion at 10.4 percent. Although there is not yet sufficient data to assess the characteristics of the subtype…

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Corona: 1,200 school classes closed in Austria

There are currently over 1,000 closed school classes in Austria.There are currently 1,200 closed school classes in Austria – but the case of a school that is completely closed does not occur. Schools: No masks in place as of Feb. 21The number of positive PCR tests at schools has decreased compared to the previous week. However, there are only comparative figures from Upper Austria and Styria; all other provinces had semester breaks last or this week.Hundreds of Corona infections detected in school PCR tests .In the two PCR tests in…

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End of 2G restrictions imminent – Vienna more cautious

Like other sectors, the hospitality and tourism industries are seeing a relaxation a week after the end of 2G restrictions in retail and near-body service providers (e.g., hairdressers).Relaxations from 5.3. After 2G out in the tradeWhere up to now, the 2G rule has applied, 3G will suffice from Saturday – even unvaccinated people will then be allowed to visit pubs or stay overnight in hotels with a current PCR or antigen test. Vienna is also different here; unvaccinated people are still denied access to restaurants. 3G replaces 2GThe relaxation steps…

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Friday: 31,166 new infections in Austria

There are also 34 new deaths associated with Covid 19 infections. From Thursday to Friday, 31,166 new infections were registered in Austria. Currently, there are 302,866 people actively infected with Coronavirus in Austria. To date, there have been 2,424,742 positive test results in Austria. As of today, 14,537 people across Austria have died as a result of the Coronavirus, and 2,107,339 have recovered. 194 in intensive careCurrently, 2,291 people are undergoing hospital treatment due to the Coronavirus. Of these, 194 are being cared for in intensive care units. The new…

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Omicron subtype BA.2 is probably even more infectious

Predictions show that the omicron subtype BA.2 will soon outpace the current BA.1. The reason: even faster portability.According to new findings, the omicron subtype BA.2, which experts closely monitor, appears to differ significantly in specific characteristics from the corona subtype BA.1, which is still dominant in Austria. This is indicated by most Japanese researchers’ study data published in preprint – i.e., without peer review. Differences include the arguably significantly higher transmissibility of BA.2 and immune response and pathogenicity. Based on the recorded differences in human cell samples in the laboratory…

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Incidence in Germany continues to decline

New Corona infections and seven-day incidence in Germany decline slightly, but levels remain high. One day after the Corona opening decisions by the federal and state governments, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 235,626 new cases within 24 hours on Thursday. That’s 12,236 fewer cases than a week ago Thursday when 247,862 new infections were reported. The national seven-day incidence rate dropped to 1385.1 from 1401.0 the previous day. It indicates how many people are infected per 100,000 population in a week. Two hundred sixty-one more people died in connection…

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