Denmark lifts all Corona measures – Italy plans relaxations

Despite record levels of new infections, Denmark plans to lift nearly all Corona restrictions next week. Italy is also planning relaxations. Starting Tuesday (Feb. 1), Danes will no longer have to wear masks or show proof of vaccination in most places, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said Wednesday in Copenhagen. Thus the government follows the instructions of the responsible commission, which had recommended to let the emergency measures to fight the pandemic expire. What will remain, however, for the time being, is mandatory testing for people entering the country, as…

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Boosters possible after just three months from Feb. 1: Half a million certificates expire

Some changes are in store for vaccination certificates, Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein said Wednesday. For example, booster vaccination will be possible as early as three months after the second vaccination. On Feb. 1, about 550,000 vaccination certificates of twice-vaccinated people will also expire. Lockdown for unvaccinated endsBeginning Feb. 1, the minimum legal interval between 2nd and 3rd vaccination will be reduced from 120 days to 90 days. However, the recommendation of the National Immunization Panel continues to be that the 3rd vaccination be given no earlier than four months after…

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Germany: Over 200,000 new infections for the first time.

The nationwide seven-day incidence reported by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has exceeded the 1,000 threshold for the first time exactly two years after the first confirmed CoV case in Germany. The RKI gave the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week this morning with 1017.4. For comparison: The previous day, the value had been 940.6. A week ago, the nationwide incidence was 638.8 (previous month: 222.7). The number of new CoV infections also reached another record high and at the same time exceeded the threshold of 200,000:…

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New vaccination rules – this is what changes with the green passport

The lockdown for the unvaccinated ends on January 31 – but all other measures remain. There is still one correction for vaccination certificates. The lockdown for those unvaccinated against coronavirus ends next Monday. All other measures such as 2G in the trade and the curfew at 22 clock remain. This was announced by Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) and Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) before the Council of Ministers on Wednesday. Nehammer, however, held out the prospect that there could soon be further relaxations. Furthermore, the validity of vaccination certificates will…

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PCR test: Can an expired gargle test still be used?

The gargle tests have an expiration date. However, they can be used for longer, as Lead Horizon now explained. The supply of PCR tests in Vienna is going well: each person is allowed to get up to eight gargle tests per week free of charge at any BIPA store. However, this led to many people hoarding the gargle tests at home. However, the tests have an expiration date. So recently the question arose again and again whether expired gargle tests can still be used and whether the result is influenced.…

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New all-time high: 34,011 new infections reported

Next all-time high in the Corona pandemic: 34,011 new infections were reported by the Ministry of Health within 24 hours on Wednesday. Eleven people infected with the virus died. Exactly a week ago, a new high had also been reported: Thus, 27,677 new infections were recorded on Wednesday last week. In general, more new infections are always reported on Wednesday than on other days of the week. This is partly due to the fact that on this day the results of most of the PCR tests carried out at the…

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CORONA LOCKDOWN: Austrian government lifts lockdown for the unvaccinated

The lockdown for the unvaccinated will end next Monday. The federal government justifies this with the current “stable number” of hospital patients. Omicron does not affect “hospital capacities as much as feared”. Experts on the GECKO panel set up to combat the pandemic would also consider the lockdown “no longer useful.” Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) and Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) announced the relaxation of the Corona measures just on Wednesday morning, shortly after it became known that there is a new all-time record for new infections. The Chancellor’s Office,…

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Corona numbers are rising sharply in Germany

The number of new infections within 24 hours was 126,955, according to data from public health authorities. The incidence rate of new Corona infections in Germany has again reached an all-time high. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported the seven-day incidence at 894.3 on Tuesday morning. On Monday the value had been 840.3, on Tuesday last week 553.2. The incidence quantifies the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the period of seven days. The number of new infections within 24 hours was 126,955 on Tuesday – up from…

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Variant BA.2: Omicron’s little sister arrived in Austria

Omicron is just spreading across Europe, and a sub-variant is already emerging. BA.2 is active primarily in Denmark. Omicron, scientifically known as BA.1, dominates worldwide, but now a subspecies has emerged. The “little sister” of the omicron variety called BA.2 has already appeared in several European countries, including the UK and Denmark. The new virus type has also arrived sporadically in Austria, apparently spreading even faster than Omicron. It is still unclear where the new sub-variant originated, as cases are also being reported from India. RESEARCHERS OBSERVE OMICRON SUBVARIANTMedical researchers…

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