Coronavirus worldwide: record numbers in Sydney despite strict lockdown, U.S. army introduces mandatory vaccination

About 203.4 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.3 million infected people have died. About 4.5 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. Rising number of infections in Sydney The Australian state of New South Wales, with Sydney as its metropolis of over a million people, is failing to get a grip on its worst Corona wave yet, despite strict rules. Within 24 hours, 356 new infections had been recorded in the region, the highest number since the pandemic began,…

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Does the Corona vaccination protect against the Lambda variant?

The lambda variant is spreading in South America. How well does the Corona vaccination actually protect against the virus variant? The Delta variant is spreading in Austria and is highly contagious, which is why only a complete vaccination offers sufficient protection. In laboratory tests, the delta variant seemed to partially escape antibodies of first vaccinated and unvaccinated recovered persons. Researchers agree: the coronavirus will mutate even further. But Ralf Bartenschlager, president of the German Society for Virology, believes the number of variants will remain “manageable.” However, U.S. immunologist Anthony Fauci…

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Austria faces up to five degrees more by 2100

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) once again warns of the devastating effects of unchecked climate change.The extent to which global warming has also reached Austria is shown by the comprehensive statistics of the ZAMG. According to these statistics, the temperature in Austria has risen by around two degrees since the beginning of industrialization. If the trend is not reversed, the warming will be at least five degrees by the year 2100. The extent to which these two degrees are already having an impact in Austria can be seen…

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Marie and Jakob were the most popular baby names in 2020

According to Statistics Austria, Marie and Jakob topped the hit list of first names for newborns in 2020.This is shown by an analysis of the first names (in original spelling, without special characters) of all 40,669 girls and 42,934 boys born that year. For girls, parents chose 734 times (1.8 percent) the name Marie, for boys 794 times (1.8 percent) the name Jakob, reported Statistics Austria in a release on Monday. In 2019, Emma and Maximilian still won. “Marie is the top climber among the most popular baby names of…

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BioNTech to provide booster with latest Corona vaccine

Biopharma company BioNTech advocates for a possible booster vaccination with its existing vaccine. Antibody levels would have been significantly higher after a third vaccination. Initial data on third Corona vaccination“We think right now it’s best to proceed with a booster dose for the existing strain of the virus to get the situation under control,” company CEO Ugur Sahin said Monday. Patients who received a third dose of the same Corona vaccine showed significantly higher antibody levels than after the second dose, he said. Corona vaccine not to be adapted for…

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Corona vaccination without appointment for over 47,000 people in Vienna

Vaccination against the Corona virus without registration or appointment – all that is needed is an ID card and the e-card – is proving very popular in the federal capital. More than 47,000 Viennese have already been reached, the city of Vienna announced on Monday as published by the Austrian Press Agency (APA). The decentralized vaccination offer is further expanded, “Impfzuckerln” would not be needed for the time being, it was said from the office of Health City Councilor Peter Hacker (SPÖ). Since last Wednesday, two vaccination buses have been…

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All out Vaccination campaign in Vienna

Next Monday the vaccination campaign in Vienna aimed specifically at teachers and students over the age of twelve will be launched. “In order to ensure the safest possible start to school and smooth attendance at lessons, it is necessary to achieve the highest possible Covid 19 vaccination rate,” explained a spokesman for the Vienna City Councilor for Health, Hacker. For this reason, we are appealing to all teachers and all students over the age of twelve who have not yet been vaccinated to do so. The vaccine is freely selectable,…

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Fourth Corona wave overtakes USA: “Should never have got this far”.

In light of the high number of new infections in the U.S., a senior public health official has warned of a “failure” in his country. “We should never have gotten to this point,” National Institutes of Health (NIH) research agency head Francis Collins told ABC on Sunday. U.S. President Joe Biden’s medical adviser, Anthony Fauci, warned of the emergence of a new variant of the virus. Earlier, 118,000 new cases of infection were registered within 24 hours, the most since February. The absolute peak in registered new infections was recorded…

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Unvaccinated: twice the risk for second Corona infections

Unvaccinated people are more than twice as likely to become reinfected with Covid-19, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) currently recommends that all persons eligible for Corona vaccination receive a shot – regardless of whether or not they have already survived an infection with the pathogen. In evaluating recent data, the CDC now sees this as reinforced. A new study examined 246 Kentucky adults who were re-infected with SARS-CoV-2 in May and June of this year, having previously contracted it in…

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