Study with 100,000 samples: Vaccinated have significantly lower risk of infection

Researchers examined nearly 100,000 samples from English study participants and determined that the risk of infection is three times lower in fully vaccinated individuals than in unvaccinated individuals. The risk of infection is also lower. People fully vaccinated against Covid-19 have a significantly lower risk of contracting the coronavirus than unvaccinated people, according to a British study. According to the study published Wednesday, the likelihood of a vaccinated person testing positive for the coronavirus is one-third compared with unvaccinated people. A corona-infected person with full vaccine protection was also less…

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US entry in the future: only for vaccinated persons

According to media reports, the U.S. government wants to require proof of a complete coronavirus vaccination from almost all foreigners entering the country in the future. With the introduction of this system, the current entry restrictions for people from Europe and other countries should then also be lifted, as reported, among others, by the “New York Times” with reference to White House circles. According to the report, there is still no concrete timetable for the introduction of the proof requirement. The practical implementation of the plan is also said to…

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Johns Hopkins: More than 200 million infections worldwide

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, the number of infections detected worldwide has risen to more than 200 million. This was revealed yesterday by data from the US University Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. The number of known infections has thus risen by 100 million in just over six months, since January 26. The number of confirmed deaths worldwide following CoV infection now stands at 4.25 million – twice as many as at the end of January. Experts believe both infections and deaths worldwide are higher than that. The university’s…

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Wednesday: 592 new infections in Austria

From Tuesday to Wednesday, there were 592 new Corona infections in Austria. Compared to the previous week (552 cases), new infections increased by 40 cases. The last time there was a similarly high value was May 27 (585). This brings the 7-day incidence to 37.67. In addition, there are two new deaths associated with Covid 19 infection. The number of active cases increases to 5,722 with 350 new recoveries. In the past 24 hours, 59,684 new PCR tests were performed, bringing the positive rate to 0.99 percent. There are currently…

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PCR tests and wastewater analysis:Government’s plan for the start of school

Education Minister Heinz Faßmann (ÖVP) presented a four-point plan “for a safe start to school in the fall” on Wednesday. He presented it at a joint press conference with microbiologist Norbert Kreuzinger and virologist Dorothee von Laer. The goal is continuous attendance. School closures and shift work are no longer an option, Faßmann emphasized: “No one in government wants that.” Such measures are to be prevented with the following security concept: Early warning system through wastewater analysesWastewater analysts will regularly analyze the “risk situation” in 116 wastewater treatment plants in…

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So many Austrians have fallen ill despite Corona vaccination

The Ministry of Health has evaluated for the first time how well Corona vaccinations in Austria really protect against disease. The result. How well do Corona vaccinations in Austria statistically protect against disease? This is precisely the question that the Ministry of Health has addressed by conducting a survey based on data from the Epidemiological Reporting System. The survey identified so-called “vaccination breakthroughs”, which are Corona infections including symptoms such as fever, cough or loss of taste. The Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) has analyzed the figures along…

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Targeted Corona vaccination campaign to start tomorrow in Vienna and in the provinces

The current week brings vaccination opportunities in shopping centers in Vienna. In Austria, the provinces are resorting to targeted on-the-spot offers against the backdrop of Corona vaccination fatigue. In Vienna, vaccination offers in shopping centers kick off this week. Lower Austria, Styria, Salzburg, Upper Austria and Burgenland are also holding vaccination days again without advance notice. Vaccination buses, for example in Vienna, Salzburg and Upper Austria, are also taking the vaccine to the population. Currently, just under 60 percent of the total population has received initial vaccination. Vienna: Corona inoculation…

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For certain travelers: PCR testing also now mandatory at Vienna airport

PCR testing is now mandatory for travelers at Austria’s airports. The regulation applies to return travelers and vacationers from the Netherlands, Spain and Cyprus. PCR test obligation for travelers returning homeAt Austrian airports, travelers returning to Austria and vacationers from the Netherlands, Spain or Cyprus must carry proof of their full immunization or a negative PCR test result upon arrival. Travelers without appropriate proof must register and “immediately” make up a PCR test at the airport, provides the amendment to the entry regulation published in the night to Thursday. At…

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EU procures vaccination reserves for virus variants

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen believes Europe is well prepared for possible third vaccinations. “We have ordered 1.8 billion doses from BioNTech until 2023,” von der Leyen told Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND/Wednesday). “This is the largest follow-up order worldwide and is enough for possible booster vaccinations in the EU and adaptations to possible new virus variants.” However, approval of the Russian Corona vaccine Sputnik V by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) remains uncertain, according to von der Leyen. “So far, the manufacturer has not been able to provide enough…

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