Questions and Answers about the opening of Schools on Monday

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On Monday, 7 September 2020, most of the schools in Austria will open their portals. Austrian Press answers six important questions with regard to COVID 19 measures issued by the Austrian Federal government:

When do pupils/students wear mask?

This is what the “traffic warning system says: Not at all for green, from yellow on outside the classes. In the conference room, masks must be worn if the required distance cannot be maintained. From red on, masks must be worn throughout the school.

When should a child with a fever stay at home?

An important corona degree indicator is elevated temperature or fever. In case of symptoms of an infection (cough, sore throat, headache), parents should definitely measure the body temperature. From 37.5 degrees, they should never send their child to school.

Is contact with students of other classes allowed?
Groups of students should remain as constant as possible in the same group – i.e. no mixing in the corridor or in the yard by different classes. Classes of different sections (elective subjects) should be taught in larger rooms.

What happens in case of a suspected Covid-19 case?

The affected student is first isolated in a separate room and then examined externally or while still at school. The health authorities use their contact lists to decide whether teachers and other students should be quarantined.

Are excursions or ski courses allowed?

According to the current status, in principle, yes. However, schools are advised to agree on favorable cancellation options or rebookings when planning ski courses, for example. Starting with the traffic light color orange, events are prohibited again.

Are there special rules for Corona traffic lights in schools?

A school can continue to operate normally even if there is a Corona cluster in the same district, as long as there is no direct contact with the location of the outbreak. If corona cases accumulate in a school, it can individually switch to emergency operation.

  • Hector Pascua, Source- Kronen Zeitung, Department of Education, Austria, Picture:
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