INCREASING NUMBERS Again 621 new corona infections in only one day

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So far 38,095 patients, 766 died and 29,229 recovered. 341 hospitalized, 68 of them intensive care. 621 new infections throughout Austria.

Sunday, 20 September 2020 – Up to now there have been 38,095 positive test results in Austria. As of today (September 20, 2020, 09:30 a.m.), 766 people throughout Austria have died as a result of the corona virus and 29,229 have recovered. At present, 341 people are undergoing hospital treatment due to the corona virus and 68 of these patients are in intensive care units.

The new infections since the last notification are divided among the provinces of Austria as follows:

Burgenland: 8
Carinthia: 17
Lower Austria: 94
Upper Austria: 49
Salzburg: 21
Styria: 13
Tyrol: 62
Vorarlberg: 38
Vienna: 319

Over 8,000 actively ill in Austria
The number of people actively infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Austria exceeded the 8,000 mark on Sunday. According to the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Health, 8,100 people were actively infected as of 9.30 a.m. Within 24 hours, 621 new infections were added – on Saturday there were still 813. However, less testing is done at the weekend. The number of patients in hospital is declining.

While more than 18,000 tests were entered in the Epidemiological Register (EMS) on Saturday, around 12,500 were added by Sunday, which is significantly less than in the previous days. The average number of new infections per day over the past seven days was 705.

While 349 people still had to be treated in hospitals throughout Austria on Saturday, the number on Sunday was 341. The number of Covid-19 cases treated in intensive care units also fell significantly – from 84 people on Saturday to 68 on Sunday.

766 people have died since the outbreak of the pandemic as a result of the corona virus, one more than on Saturday. 38,095 people have tested positive so far.

As far as new infections are concerned, the federal capital once again accounted for the largest number on Sunday with 319. 94 additional cases in 24 hours were recorded in Lower Austria, 62 in Tyrol and 49 in Upper Austria. Vorarlberg registered 38 new infections in the Epidemiological Register (EMS), Salzburg 21 and Styria 13. Eight additional Covid-19 infected persons were registered in Carinthia.

— Hector pascua, Source: Picture:

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