From today, Thursday, the Digital Vignette for 2021 is available. You can get it in the Asfinag webshop or via the free app “On the road”. The Digital Vignette is also available at ÖAMTC, ARBÖ and ADAC as well as at selected gas stations and Tabak stores. But beware: The new Digital Vignette 2021, even if purchased tomorrow, is not valid until December 1, 2020.
When purchasing the new digital vignette, the subscription service can be activated with just a few clicks. In other words, the validity of an annual vignette can be extended automatically. The advantages: Customers no longer miss any validity periods, have no additional work and thus receive the annual vignette automatically and on time every year. More than 125,000 customers already enjoy the benefits of automatic renewal in the subscription service. This Abo service applies naturally also to annual maps of the digital route toll.
In the meantime ASFINAG already sells 2.3 million digital yearly vignettes per year, so more than half of all yearly vignettes are already digital. Important when purchasing the digital vignette: Customers must purchase a digital vignette online by November 13th at the latest to ensure that it is also valid from December 1st, 2020. The reason for this is the consumer protection period for online purchases. Because: According to the European Directive for Consumer Protection, customers can withdraw from online purchases of a product or service – the Digital Vignette is therefore only valid for 18 days after the purchase. The digital ten-day and two-month vignettes for 2021 have been available since October.
As every year, the new adhesive vignette will be available in the last days of November. It costs 92.50 euros for 2021.
- hp, source: Picture:
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