After a new coronavirus variant was discovered in the UK, it seems that the virus is also “evolving” in the USA. Because there one discovered now a further mutation, which resembles the British variant, but is not directly “related”.
Researchers emphasize, however, that there is not yet enough data and information about this mutation. Therefore, it is not possible to say anything more specific about it at this time.
New coronavirus mutation in the USA
In the course of a long-term study, researchers in the USA have now discovered another coronavirus mutation. At present, it could only be detected in the US state of Ohio. Therefore, it is not yet possible to say how far or where the mutation has spread. This much is certain, however: The new variant combines three gene mutations that were previously only discovered independently of each other. Even though the “genetic backbone” in this version is already known, the three mutations in just one strain represent a significant evolution, according to Wexner Medical Center researchers. The mutation from the U.S. mainly affects the so-called spike protein. That’s where the virus “docks” with human cells.
Similarity to British mutation
The new coronavirus mutation in the USA is similar to the one already discovered in Great Britain. Therefore, it is suspected that it could be much more contagious than the previously known strain. According to initial investigations, however, it is not directly related to the British variant. This is because it developed from a virus strain that was already in the USA.
The big question now is whether these mutations make vaccines less effective. At the moment, experts say, there is no data to suggest that they do. Meanwhile, researchers are also urging caution and trying to reassure. One should not overreact now, as long as there is not yet enough information about the new mutations.
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