Those who do not agree to the new WhatsApp rules by May 15 can expect serious consequences.WhatsApp originally wanted to introduce its new terms of use as early as February 8. This was followed by massive complaints from users and a million-fold migration to other messenger services. WhatsApp has responded thus setting a new ultimatum: May 15. But what happens to the accounts of users who don’t agree to the new rules, including the controversial data transfer to Facebook, by then? No reading, no writingWhatsApp has now published information about…
Read MoreMonth: February 2021
1,270 new infections in Austria
The numbers of COVId 19 infections in Austria are rising: from yesterday to today, 1,270 new cases were registered, and eleven more deaths were reported in connection with Covid-19. By comparison, 1,225 new infections were counted last week, and 1,057 on February 8. The number of deaths increased by eleven, according to the Interior and Health Ministries. Thus, 8,397 people have already died from or with Covid-19 since the pandemic began. Within the past week, nearly 12,000 new infections have been added – exactly 11,932 since last Sunday. Meanwhile, more…
Read MoreVienna police warn of new fraud scheme
Vienna police are warning of a new scam currently making the rounds on the Internet. The criminals – probably always the same group – have already been successful with the trick twelve times and scammed almost 19,000 euros. Scammers use a clever scam to obtain valuables and turn victims into contributors. The Viennese police warned on Sunday of such crimes. Twelve times the criminals with their trick were already successful, three times it remained with the attempt. The amount of damage is 18,720 euros, the investigators assume a higher number…
Read MoreWeather: Spring is coming!
The weather in Austria will be spring-like this week thanks to an Adriatic high. In some parts of the country, temperatures will scratch the 20-degree mark during the week. A stable and spring-like high-pressure weather promises the forecast of the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) for the week. It will be mild, temperatures can reach up to 19 degrees in some parts of the country during the day. Only on Friday, the high pressure influence weakens somewhat, the meteorologists reported. High air pressure will provide widespread sunshine and…
Read More4369 new infections and 62 new deaths
Health offices in Germany have reported 4369 new Corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within 24 hours. In addition, 62 additional deaths were recorded within one day. This is according to figures released by the RKI on Monday. Exactly a week ago, the RKI had recorded 4426 new infections and 116 new deaths within 24 hours. On Monday, the case numbers reported by the RKI are usually lower, partly because there is less testing on the weekend. The data reflect the status of the RKI dashboard as of…
Read MoreLong-Covid: Corona long-term effects are underestimated
Those who had covid-19 may suffer symptoms for months after the disease has subsided. Experts warn that the long-term consequences are still drastically underestimated. Because Covid-19 is a disease of the entire vascular and immune system, a wide variety of symptoms can linger or reappear anywhere in the body. Even hair loss can be a consequence of Covid-19, as some sufferers develop autoantibodies against their own hair roots. Long Covid: An underestimated problemChinese studies from the first wave of the Corona pandemic show that of patients previously treated in clinics,…
Read MoreCOVID 19 infections in Austria: 1,838 new infections and 18 deaths
1,184 new infections counted the Ministry of the Interior just a week ago. Already on Saturday, the Corona numbers were dramatically high. Today, at the end of the second opening week after the lockdown, 1,838 new infections and 18 deaths were reported. A look at the previous Sunday shows a dramatic increase: on February 14, authorities recorded 1,184 Corona cases. Meanwhile, the impact of the store openings is also showing up in the statistics. In recent days, there have been above-average numbers of new infections: 1,877 on Saturday, 1,818 on…
Read MoreOver 500,000 Corona vaccinations carried out in Austria
Austrian Presse Agentur (APA) reports that more than 500,000 Corona vaccinations have been carried out in Austria, and more than 200,000 people have already been fully immunized. Health Minister Rudolf Anschober (Greens) announced this on Sunday. “Next week we expect the delivery of more than 180,000 additional vaccine doses, and in March more than one million,” the department head said. In the second quarter, the volume of deliveries will almost triple compared to the first, he added. Of doses delivered so far – including those already booked for next week…
Read MoreProtection against credit card fraud on the Internet
It happens again and again: Unexplained credit card charges appear on the bank statement. Often, such transactions are the result of fraudulent activities, explain consumer protection experts. It is not uncommon for those affected to fall victim to so-called phishing e-mails. Scammers use fake e-mails to ask their victims to click on a link in the message and then enter certain data on a form. Required bank or credit card details are requested, which are then used for fraudulent purposes. Therefore, it is important to check account statements regularly. Unauthorized…
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