Hungary today recorded another dramatic increase in CoV new infections and victims. In the neighboring country of around ten million people, 6,494 new infections were registered in the past 24 hours. 158 people died in connection with the virus. Yesterday, a tighter lockdown was imposed in Hungary until March 22. A total of 16,146 deaths have now been recorded, Hungarian news agency MTI reported. There were 8,270 CoV patients in hospitals, with 833 requiring artificial respiration. Slavik: Third wave brings hospitals to limitsThe third wave is pushing hospitals to their…
Read MoreMonth: March 2021
Further vaccination plan concretized
Katharina Reich, chief medical officer at the Ministry of Health, and Maria Paulke-Korinek, head of the vaccination department, today concretized the further vaccination schedule. According to the details, 470,000 and 124,000 doses of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines will be delivered to Biontech and Pfizer and Moderna, respectively, in March. In addition, there will be 350,000 AstraZeneca doses. All of these are to be vaccinated as soon as possible. The first shipment of the vector vaccine from manufacturer Johnson & Johnson is expected in the second quarter, if approved by the European…
Read MoreQueen Elizabeth II: She reacts to Prince Harry & Duchess Meghan’s interview!
Nearly two days after the explosive interview of Prince Harry (36) and Duchess Meghan (39, née Meghan Markle), Queen Elizabeth II (94) has now responded. “It saddens us to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for Harry and Meghan,” reads a statement from Buckingham Palace. Queen Elizabeth expresses shock at racism allegationThe issues raised, particularly the accusation of racism, “are extremely concerning,” the statement continues. “While some memories may be different, they will still be taken very seriously and addressed by the family…
Read More2,411 new Corona infections in Austria.
From Monday to Tuesday, there are 2,411 new Corona infections in Austria. Compared to Tuesday of the previous week, this is about 500 more new Corona cases. This also means that the 7-day incidence in Austria continues to rise. In addition, there are 25 new deaths related to Corona infection. In addition, 82 patients are newly under treatment in a normal ward. There are seven new patients in intensive care units in Austria. The figures from the federal statesLower Austria: 505Styria: 398Vienna: 374Upper Austria: 323Salzburg: 234Carinthia: 215Burgenland: 185Tyrol: 137Vorarlberg: 40…
Read MoreHospital ranking: Vienna General Hospital (AKH) among the best hospitals in the world
Honors for Austria’s largest hospital, Vienna General Hospital (AKH): the hospital has earned recognition in the eyes of U.S. news magazine Newsweek and data provider Statista. The hospital and its clinics at MedUni Vienna landed in 27th place on the list of 200 top hospitals in 25 states (a total of 2,000 hospitals evaluated). In second place for Austria is Innsbruck University Hospital (49). These are the best hospitals in the worldMost of the rich industrialized countries (USA, Germany, Japan, South Korea, France Italy, Switzerland, Israel, etc.) are the home…
Read MoreOpening of Schanigärten (Restaurant’ guest gardens) in Vienna uncertain due to high infection rates
Public guest gardens are to be set up in Vienna. However, in view of rising infection figures, the city is still waiting to present its concept. Vienna will set up public pub gardens to offer serving places to restaurant owners without Schanigärten, as initially only outdoor consumption is likely to be allowed. However, one will wait now with the presentation of the concept, communicated a speaker of city councilor for economy Peter Hanke (SPÖ) to the Austria Presse Agentur on Monday. In view of rising coronavirus infection figures, the next…
Read MoreLower Austria: duration of quarantine extended to 14 days
In Lower Austria, the quarantine for Corona-infected persons and contacts has been extended to 14 days. The duration of quarantine for Corona-infected persons and contacts will also be extended to 14 days in Lower Austria. More precise details on the implementation were not yet determined on Monday afternoon, according to information from the office of Health Regional Councillor Ulrike Königsberger-Ludwig. The SPÖ politician told ORF NÖ that the possibility was envisaged “that if you get tested on the tenth day, you can also shorten the quarantine again”. — source:…
Read MoreCorona alert! High increase in intensive care patients
The Austrian Society for Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Medicine (ÖGARI) is registering with concern the sharp increase in the number of COVID-19 patients being treated in Austria’s intensive care units. This rose by more than 23 percent in the past two weeks (from Feb. 22 to March 7), significantly outpacing the number of people admitted to hospital treatment with a COVID-19 diagnosis – which saw an increase of just under 11 percent. “The increasing dominance of the so-called British virus variant B.1.1.7 in particular undoubtedly plays an important role…
Read More1,910 new corona infections in Austria
From Sunday to Monday, there are 1,910 new Corona infections in Austria. The Monday figure always tends to be slightly lower than the other infections during the week. So the current new infection numbers show a clear trend of where things are headed this week. Compared to the previous week (1,401 infections), today’s number is significantly higher, so the 7-day incidence is also up. Because there are also “only” 1,880 new recoveries, this means the number of active cases is also increasing. The figures from the federal statesVienna: 583Lower Austria:…
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