Starting Wednesday, (21 April 2021) it is expected that anyone 60 years of age or older will be able to sign up for CoV vaccination. But even those who are much younger now have the opportunity to get to a vaccination appointment. As of now, people can also register for waiting lists at vaccination centers.
There are 20 vaccination centers that will go into operation in Lower Austria next week. If, towards the end of a vaccination day – that is, after 6 p.m. – vaccine doses remain in these centers, for example, because people did not show up for vaccination, people on the waiting list will be called and asked to vaccinate immediately.
Waiting list is prioritized by age
To sign up for this waiting list, you don’t have to be a certain age or belong to an at-risk group. However, calls are prioritized according to age, (as published by orf Niederösterreich relayed by Notruf Niederösterreich).
Anyone with their main place of residence in Lower Austria can register, who can arrive at a vaccination center within 30 minutes and thus fill in at very short notice for a vaccination that has become available. Registration is possible via the homepage of Notruf Niederösterreich.
Second vaccination 42 days later
According to Notruf Niederösterreich, people who have already booked a fixed vaccination appointment can register on the waiting list, but they will not be called. “These should take their regular already fixed vaccination appointment,” it continues. The waiting list is first about the first vaccination, the second vaccination should then take place 42 days later in the same vaccination center.
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