6.2 percent have the Corona “booster” vaccination

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In Austria, about six million people have been vaccinated at least once against the corona virus. However, only just under 560,000 Austrians have received the booster vaccination – that’s 6.2 percent.
This corresponds to two thirds of the population. However, only just under 560,000 have received the booster vaccination – i.e. 6.2 percent of the population. Most of them have been vaccinated in Lower Austria. Since the end of October, nearly 126,000 initial vaccinations and 234,000 “boosters” have been added. As of yesterday, Wednesday, 65,833 people have been vaccinated.

6.2 percent of Austrians have the Corona third sting
Once again, most of Wednesday’s vaccinations were third shots to boost existing vaccine protection (40,799). Another 16,518 people got their first Corona vaccination. That’s the highest Tuesday total since mid-July, but still down significantly from the peak of the vaccination campaign in early June, when as many as 78,000 people a day got their first vaccination.

Most first vaccinations on Wednesday in Upper Austria
The highest number of first vaccinations on Wednesday was in Upper Austria (4,474), followed by Vienna (3,216) and Lower Austria (2,998). Furthermore, 1,630 Tyroleans, 1,202 Styrians, 1,103 Salzburgers and 1,010 Carinthians went for vaccination for the first time. There were 231 first-time vaccinations in Vorarlberg and 229 in Burgenland. A further 425 could not be assigned to any federal province.

Since November, 125,772 first-time vaccinations in Austria
A total of 125,772 first vaccinations have been carried out so far in the first ten days of November – almost as many as in the whole of October (163,745). The number of booster vaccinations in November (234,089) is also already almost higher than the figure for the whole of October (253,723). Across Austria, 6.2 percent of the population has received the booster vaccination so far. The highest number of “booster” vaccinations is in Lower Austria (7.5), ahead of Tyrol (6.9), Burgenland (6.8) and Vienna (6.2). In Styria, only 6.0 percent of the population have received a third prick, in Salzburg 5.9, in Carinthia 5.6, in Upper Austria 5.4 and in Vorarlberg only four percent at all. 65 percent of the population currently has a valid vaccination certificate, i.e. is considered fully vaccinated for the time being.

  • source: APA/picture:pixabay.com
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