Austria opens after lockdown: regulations in the provinces

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Generally, the lockdown ends Saturday (Dec. 11) for the vaccinated and recovered, but it continues for the unvaccinated. This was announced by the government after the Corona summit today. However, the states are proceeding differently with the openings. An overview.

Everything about the opening in Vienna
While Burgenland, Tyrol and Vorarlberg open completely from Sunday, according to APA information, in Lower Austria, Salzburg and Styria, the gastronomy and accommodation businesses open only on 17 December. Until that day, Upper Austria will probably remain completely in lockdown. In Vienna the catering trade like the hotel trade (as announced) must still keep closed until 20 December.

The federal government has set “minimum standards”, as Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) explained at the press conference after the talks. The federal states can take stricter action as needed. Individual federal states – such as Vienna – had already announced in advance that at least some areas would not be opened until later.

2G verification, 11 p.m. curfew and FFP2 mask
The “minimum standards” allow the states to reopen all areas (retail, service providers such as hairdressers, restaurants, tourism, culture, sports) to vaccinated and convalescent persons after the lockdown ends – but with protective measures. These areas can only be entered with 2G proof. In the catering trade, a closing time of 11 p.m. applies in principle, night catering remains closed, explained Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens). It is important to ensure that an intensive care bed is available for everyone, the minister stressed once again. The numbers in hospitals are still high, the department head warned.

Retailers (apart from the basic care providers, which have also been open so far anyway) as well as service providers close to the body (such as hairdressers) are basically allowed to open from Monday. According to the federal guidelines, cultural institutions can once again welcome up to 2,000 guests indoors and up to 4,000 guests outdoors, provided there is assigned seating. In enclosed spaces, FFP2 masks are also mandatory. Sports areas may be used (both indoors and outdoors) with 2G proof, the FFP2 mask requirement does not apply to direct sports practice. This also affects gyms, among others.

Lockdown for unvaccinated continues
Unvaccinated will remain on lockdown. “The lockdown for the unvaccinated will be continued,” Tyrol’s governor Günther Platter (ÖVP) also emphasized after the meeting. And Vienna’s mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) reminded that the pandemic is not over.

In any case, the government announced a tightening of controls. In the event of violations, catering and retail businesses will be threatened with repayment of aid payments made, Nehammer and Mückstein said.

Upper Austria to remain in full lockdown until December 17
From the office of Upper Austria’s governor Thomas Stelzer (ÖVP) said to the APA on the regional approach, “target line” in Upper Austria is still December 17. Whether one or who then definitely opens on the 18th, remained open. One wants to discuss the details of the opening steps in the province on Thursday with experts, association of cities, association of municipalities and the social partners, it was said. “In Upper Austria, the fourth wave hit with full force, especially at the beginning,” Stelzer said. “So as announced, we also stick to the four weeks,” he said of the schedule. “Because despite falling numbers in new infections, the situation in hospitals, especially in intensive care units, has not yet eased enough.” The fact that other German states are also opening only gradually shows how uncertain the situation still is, he said. “In addition, there are further burdening factors such as postponed operations that have to be made up, current infections such as influenza or the still open effects of Omicron.”

Carinthia still wants to consult
Carinthia does not plan to negotiate possible steps until Thursday. Wednesday’s results are “the lower edge” of measures applicable throughout Austria, said state governor Peter Kaiser (SPÖ) after the meeting. “In any case, we will continue to exercise the greatest caution and care in Carinthia.” He said he would discuss the results of the conference in Vienna with his government colleagues and the social partners later today. On Thursday, possible additional measures for Carinthia will then be discussed at a meeting of the coordination body, including medical experts Rudolf Likar and Jörg Weber. The public will then be informed of the results at a press conference in the early afternoon.

Gradual opening in Styria
In Styria, Provincial Governor Hermann Schützenhöfer (ÖVP) explained that the gradual opening would fulfill a step-by-step plan, which had also been advocated by virologists and experts, “in order to bring the incidence down even further”. As of December 17, “everything will be open again in the Green Mark, but under strict conditions. The talks had been very harmonious, and the ÖVP and the Greens at the federal level had also been in agreement, “which has not happened for a long time.” In addition, the future course of action had been agreed with the experts, because “a fifth wave is feared”. Everything possible had to be done “to ensure that this wave could be tackled without a lockdown”.

Lower Austria also opening cautiously after lockdown
Lower Austria’s governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner (ÖVP) also pointed out after the summit that there was a clear recommendation for a gradual opening for Lower Austria, Styria and Salzburg. “We will therefore end the lockdown for vaccinated people as of December 12. With the exception of catering and accommodation establishments.” In consultation with the experts, these areas could be opened on December 17 “in a responsible manner.” The experts had again clearly stated “that the pandemic is far from over and we must expect a new wave early next year.” Everything possible must be done “so that there is no need for a new lockdown,” the governor stressed. For this purpose, the corona vaccination is still the only sustainable means.

Burgenland locks down again as of Sunday
The governor of Burgenland, Hans Peter Doskozil (SPÖ), justified the opening from Sunday with the falling infection figures in his province, the stable situation in the hospitals and the good vaccination rate. Every third Burgenländer had already received the third sting, it was said on Wednesday from his office. In view of these figures, he said, it would be possible to open with security concepts – and in addition to the trade also the gastronomy and hotel industry, in order to avoid “unequal treatment”.

  • source: APA/
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